Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2024

Luminescence dating of Quaternary coastal deposits of Evoikos gulf (central Greece)

Στο E. Photos-Jones, Y. Bassiakos, E. Filippaki, A. Hein, I. Karatasios, V. Kilikoglou & E. Kouloumpi (eds), 2016. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (Bar International Series 2780), Oxford: 207-214.

It is to be noted here that it is the first time that such old luminescence ages have been reported for Greek coastal sediments. This paper presents preliminary luminescence dating results with special focus on the performance of the PIRIR290 methodology. Palaeoenvironmental implications of the obtained PIRIR290 ages are also discussed.

Experimental stone-cutting with the Mycenaean pendulum saw

Antiquity 91.361 (2018): 217-232

The development of an advanced stone-working technology in the Aegean Bronze Age is suggested by the putative Mycenaean pendulum saw. This device seems to have been used to cut through hard sedimentary rock at a number of sites on the Greek mainland and, according to some scholars, also in central Anatolia.

Digital Sensoriality: The Neolithic Figurines from Koutroulou Magoula, Greece

Cambridge Archaeological Journal 29.4 (2019): 625-652

The image-based discourse on clay figurines that treated them as merely artistic representations, the meaning of which needs to be deciphered through various iconological methods, has been severely critiqued and challenged in the past decade.

Domestic and ritual use of plants and fuels in the Neolithic cave of Alepotrypa, southern Peloponnese, Greece: The wood charcoal and phytolith evidence

Quaternary International 457 (2017): 211-227

The study presents the combined results of wood charcoal and phytolith analysis at Alepotrypa Cave, southern Peloponnese, Greece. The cave preserves rich cultural remains (hearth and floor constructions, pits and platforms, human bone scatters, massive quantities of fine pottery, lithic artefacts and ornaments) spanning the late Early to the Final Neolithic.

Landscape and wood-fuel in Akrotiri (Thera, Greece) during the Bronze Age

Quaternary International 458 (2017): 44-55

Wood charcoal macroremains originating from the archaeological site of Akrotiri, Thera (Greece) have been analyzed. The results obtained suggest the existence of thermophilous vegetation on the island from the Early Cycladic period right up to the catastrophic eruption of the volcano in the Late Cycladic I period.

The Palaeolithic record of Greece: A synthesis of the evidence and a research agenda for the future

Quaternary International 466.A (2018): 48-65

The Palaeolithic record of Greece remains highly fragmented and discontinuous in both space and time. Nevertheless, new surveys and excavations, along with the revisiting of known sites or old collections, and the conduction of lithic and faunal laboratory analyses, have altogether enriched the Greek Palaeolithic dataset with important new evidence and novel interpretations.

Cooking plant foods in the northern Aegean: Microbotanical evidence from Neolithic Stavroupoli (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 140-151

Intensive archaeobotanical research in northern Greece and other circum-Mediterranean regions over the last two decades has demonstrated an extensive spectrum of domestic and wild plants consumed by Neolithic communities. However, macrobotanical remains are seldom associated with the artefact in which they were cooked, and therefore we know the list of ingredients but not what ingredients were cooked together or how were they cooked.

Strong bias towards carcass product processing at Neolithic settlements in northern Greece revealed through absorbed lipid residues of archaeological pottery

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 127-139

The emergence of agriculture in Greece denotes the start of the Neolithic in Europe, however, little is known about dietary practices in the region. Archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological remains indicate reliance on cereals and pulses, together with meat-based subsistence practices, including sheep/goat and pig husbandry.

Neolithic animal domestication as seen from ancient DNA

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 102-107

In recent years, archaeological, archaeozoological and population genetic studies have increasingly converged on a southwest Asian origin for the four Neolithic farm animals: cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. The power of ancient DNA studies lies in the possibility of tracking the genetic traces of major demographic processes, such as domestication itself and subsequent migration, at their spatiotemporal sources.

People and plant entanglements at the dawn of agricultural practice in Greece. An analysis of the Mesolithic and early Neolithic archaeobotanical remains

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 80-101

Investigation of the incipience of agriculture in Greece employing archaeobotanical remains is a challenging field of inquiry, aiming at gaining insights into the complex socio-economic transformations that gradually shaped the way of Neolithic life.

Following their tears: Production and use of plant exudates in the Neolithic of North Aegean and the Balkans

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 68-79

Resinous and tarry materials have been valuable commodities since prehistory as their widespread use for numerous purposes indicates, but remain largely neglected by archaeological research, in part due to their poor preservation and the need for chemical analyses to identify them.