Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2024

“Apparire” o “essere”? Questioni di status nella Creta palaziale

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 669-680.

Earlier studies have showed that Minoan iconography placed special emphasis on the connection of attire and hairstyle with the age of individuals. The article argues that this emphasis was due to the key role that corporative groups structured on an age basis played in social life and the management of political power in palatial Crete.

La ceramica in contesto. L’ edificio protopalaziale sull’ Acropoli Mediana di Festos nel MM IIB

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 437-446.

The protopalatial building comprising rooms CV, CVI and CVII is located 100 m west of the Palace of Phaistos, on the southwestern slope of the so-called “Middle Acropolis’’. The complex, which was the object of a rescue excavation between 1969 and 1971, shows features setting it sharply apart from the other domestic structures unearthed outside the palace area. These features suggest it was a building with special functions.

Ristrutturando il Primo Palazzo di Festos. Materiali di scarto dallo scarico del Bastione II

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 425-436.

The dump of “Bastione II’’, found by Doro Levi during his 1950-1966 excavation of the Minoan site of Phaistos, is located on the northern edge of the Lower West Court of the First Palace, and is one of the most conspicuous deliberate fills of Protopalatial Phaistos. Recently studied and interpreted as a homogeneous deposit of MM IIA, it includes not only a large amount of pottery, but also many plaster fragments and other construction debris.

Lemno e l’ Egeo settentrionale agli inizi del I millenio: alcune riflessioni sulla cultura materiale dell’ isola

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 285-296.

The aim of this paper is to present the research on Lemnian material culture in the Early Iron Age that the author has been conducting, along with the team of the Italian Archaeological School in Athens coordinated by E. Greco, over the last 10 years. The focus of the author’s investigation is a pottery assemblage from Hephaestia (Lemnos), which contains, above all, a large amount of Grey Ware and a few sherds of Protogeometric amphorae (the only imported vases in that period).

Osservazioni su una fibula del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Atene

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 277-283.

Starting from a bronze fibula in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the author examines the spread of ornaments through Greece and Italy in LHIIIB and LHIIIC over an extensive trade network supplying raw materials and valuable artifacts throughout the Mediterranean. An intrinsic component of personal attire, fibulae belong to those categories of bronze artifacts embedded in broader circuits and therefore defined as ‘international bronzes.

Oggetti d’ ornamento, gioielli e altri reperti mobili dalle necropoli micenee di Eleona e Langada a Kos

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 257-275.

A comparison with the evidence from the cemetery of lalysos on Rhodes shows the existence of similar trends. These common traits suggest that, within the second part of the LBA period, despite its connections with the Greek mainland, the southeast Aegean formed a distinct Mycenaean region that was closely related to neighboring sites in south west Anatolia.

Omero, Maratona e Atene dalle ampie strade (Od. VII 78-81). Una nota sulla rappresentazione dell’ Atene micenea sotto I Pisistratidi

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 111-117.

The reference to Marathon seems to imply that the goddess landed on the northeast coast of Attica, as if she were coming from Euboea or some other North Aegean island. This is entirely inconsistent with all the ancient traditions, which located the mythical island of Scheria at the westernmost limits of the world, but seems to hint at Peisistratus’ march in 547/6BC, which started from Marathon and led to his victory in the battle of Pallene. The author argues that Marathon is mentioned in this passage to acknowledge its connection with Peisistratus, and that the goddess Athena is accordingly represented as retracing Peisistratus’ route. This suggests that the passage is an interpolation of the 6th century BC.

La collina di Haghios Ioannis a Gortina. L’ occupazione della Messarà centrale tra lafine del Neolitico e la nascita della polis: nuove prospettive di ricerca

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 99-110.

This paper presents a joint project of two former students of the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens who decided to reconsider the much debated issue of the origin of the polis of Gortyn in south-central Crete by reconstructing the settlement history of the region from its first settling in the late fourth millennium BC to the early seventh century BC. The project, initiated in 2005 and still ongoing, develops some ideas that arose during conversations in Athens in the course of the seminars of urban-planning and topography that were introduced to the school programme by E. Greco, and are still ongoing.

I contatti tra Cipro e l’ Italia settentrionale nella tarda Età del Bronzo

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 89-98.

The discovery of Near Eastern imports at some sites near the Adriatic coast has prompted a reconsideration of the importance of these connections in the Recent and Final Bronze Age. The settlements between the Po and the Adige yielded faience and ivory fragments and artifacts. These objects made from Oriental raw materials were brought here by Cypriot and Levantine merchants.

Continuità e transizione del potere nella Messarà a Creta durante il Medio Minoico III (ca. 1750-1670 a.C.)

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 73-88.

This paper examines the situation of the Messara plain in south-central Crete during the Middle Minoan III, with a specific focus on manifestations of power and their spatial projections. The period following the major earthquake datable to MM IIB saw a slow and complex negotiation of power between the palatial center of Phaistos and its nearby sites of Kommos and Hagia Triada; this process spanned several generations, with different scenarios between MM IIIA and MM IIIB.

Insediamenti dell’ Età del Bronzo nella piana di Sparta. Prospettive di ricerca

Στο F. Longo, R. di Cesare & S. Privitera (eds) 2016. ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene-Paestum: 61-72.

Although some noteworthy excavations have been conducted in the region, notably at Menelaion, Vaphio, Amyklai, Hag. Stephanos and Pelana, until recently none of the major Mycenaean sites has produced evidence for a central administrative/palatial function. Nowadays the situation has changed as a consequence of the discovery of Linear B clay tablets dated to the 14th century at Hag. Vasileios, located in the Eurotas Valley. The site can be regarded as a palatial settlement and adds significant information to our understanding of the history of Mycenaean Laconia and of the Mycenaean mainland as a whole.

Identifying the earliest Neolithic settlements in the southeastern Balkans: methodological considerations based on the recent geoarchaeological investigations at Dikili Tash (Greek eastern Macedonia)

Στο A. Reingruber, Z. Tsirtsoni, P. Nedelcheva 2017 (eds). Going West? The Dissemination of Neolithic Innovations between the Bosporus and the Carpathians. Proceedings of the EAA Conference, Instabul, 11 September 2014, Oxon-New York: 43-55.