Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2025

Neolithic woodland management and land-use in south-eastern Europe: The anthracological evidence from Northern Greece and Bulgaria

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 51-67

Wood charcoal (anthracological) remains accumulated in archaeological deposits provide a valuable tool for reconstruction of past local vegetation and its use. They can offer evidence complementary to pollen analysis or be the main source on past vegetation change in areas where no pollen preservation is available.

The rapid spread of early farming from the Aegean into the Balkans via the Sub-Mediterranean-Aegean Vegetation Zone

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 24-41

Close examination of the geographic position of Early Neolithic settlements in SE-Europe shows that the oldest sites are almost exclusively situated in some very specific biogeographic areas. These earliest Neolithic settlements are all concentrated in a region that Pavle Cikovac calls the Sub-Mediterranean-Aegean (SMA) biogeographic region.

The physical environment in Northern Greece at the advent of the Neolithic

Quaternary International 496 (2018): 14-23

The transition from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean is marked by an abrupt change in sea levels, landforms, ecology and resources. These new geomorphological conditions favored the formation of attractive environmental settings for the early farmers, having at the same time a significant taphonomic impact on the archaeological record of the Late Pleistocene.

SETinSTONE: an impact assessment of the human and environmental resource requirements of Late Bronze Age Mycenaean monumental architecture

Antiquity Project Gallery 358 (August 2017)


Mycenaean monumental architecture has been well studied. Yet the extent to which large-scale building programmes may have contributed to change and crises in Late Bronze Age Greece (c. 1600–1100/1070 BC) has never been investigated using actual field data.

Experimental stone-cutting with the Mycenaean pendulum saw

Antiquity 91.361 (2018): 217-232

The development of an advanced stone-working technology in the Aegean Bronze Age is suggested by the putative Mycenaean pendulum saw. This device seems to have been used to cut through hard sedimentary rock at a number of sites on the Greek mainland and, according to some scholars, also in central Anatolia.

«…the result can be bold and startling». Crateri figurati d’età geometrica dalla necropoli di Siderospilia (Priniàs)

Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 96 (2018): 497-518


Η μελέτη της κεραμικής της Γεωμετρικής περιόδου από τη νεκρόπολη της Σιδεροσπηλιάς, στον Πρινιά, η οποία είναι σε εξέλιξη, μας επέτρεψε να ξεχωρίσουμε μια ομάδα μεγάλων κρατήρων με υψηλό πόδι.