Scholars/Researchers who specialise in the Prehistory of the Aegean and neighbouring areas (e.g. Cyprus), as well as later periods (e.g. Early Iron Age), may become members of Aegeus.
Specialisation is confirmed by holding a relevant postgraduate, or Ph.D. title, or by enrolling in a relevant postgraduate programme. Alternatively, prospective members should have at least two published works on topics of the prehistoric Aegean. Undergraduate students should have participated in two prehistoric field projects.
However, anybody with a particular interest in Aegean Prehistory may become member, provided that a Fellow confirms his/her interest.
Institutions, as well as other non-profit organizations or their legal representatives may also become members, as long as they are directly related to Aegean prehistoric archaeology (e.g. through excavations, surveys, etc.)
At times, members who have actively supported the fulfilment of the Society’s goals, may become Fellows.
Become a member (individuals)
The members may:
- Use the Aegean Library;
- Receive advisory assistance (e.g. on finding articles, questions regarding archaeological material, etc) from Fellows and other members;
- Receive the Newsletter on Aegean Prehistory, as well as information about the activities of Aegeus via e-mail;
- Receive a discount for all the future activities of Aegeus.
- Maintain a personal webpage on the Aegeus website;
The annual membership fee is currently 40 euros (or 30 euros for persons in hardship), 50 euros for couples and 25 euros (or 20 euros) for unemployed archaeologists and students (from undergraduate students to Ph.D. candidates).
Member Application (.doc: 728kb)
If you have completed or are in the process of completing a Masters, a Ph.D. thesis or other publications related to Aegean Prehistory, please fill in the additional application form.
(Applications are sent to Aegeus via e-mail)
Become a member (institutions)
Institutions may:
- Receive the Newsletter on Aegean Prehistory, as well as information about the activities of Aegeus via e-mail (only directors and assistant directors);
- Ηave their own webpage on the Aegeus website, to present their work on prehistoric Aegean archaeology.
- Receive a discount for all the future activities of Aegeus.
The annual subscription for institutions is 50 Euros.
Application for Institutions (.doc: 722kb)
(Application is sent to Aegeus via e-mail)
Any payments may be done as follows:
1. Deposit to the bank account of Aegeus :
Aegeus – Society for Aegean Prehistory
National Bank of Greece
ΙΒΑΝ : GR6101101070000010747074788
2. Via Paypal
For the annual subscription fee of 40 Euros press here:
For the annual subscription fee of 25 Euros (for unemployed archaeologists and students) press here:
For the annual subscription fee of 50 Euros (Institutions and couples) press here: