Mycenaean Wall-Paintings in Context: New Discoveries and Old Finds Reconsidered
Friday, February 11, 2011
Cotsen Hall, ASCSA, 9 Anapiron Polemou St.
19.00 Opening Lecture John Bennet (Centre for Aegean Archaeology, University of Shefeld), ‘Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings’
Wine and Cheese Reception at ASCSA.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
National Research Foundation, 48 Vassileos Constandinou Ave.
9.00-9.20 Jack Davis (The American School of Classical Studies at Athens), ‘Welcome’
Chair: Vassilis Aravantinos, 9th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Thebes
9.20-10.00 Andreas G. Vlachopoulos (Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina), ‘Detecting “Mycenaean” Elements in the “Minoan” Wall-Paintings of a “Cycladic” Settlement. The Wall-Paintings of Thera and their Iconographic Koine’
10.00-10.40 Adamandia Vasilogamvrou (5th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Sparta), ‘Preliminary Study of the First Mycenaean Fresco Fragments from Laconia’
10.40-11.20 Michael B. Cosmopoulos (University of Missouri-St. Louis and Athens Archaeological Society), ‘A Group of New Mycenaean Frescoes from Iklaina, Pylos’
11.20-11.40 Coffee break
Chair: Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, 3rd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Athens
11.40-12.10 Sharon Stocker (Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati. Jack Davis, ASCSA), ‘Land and Sea: The Stratigraphic Context for the Wall-Paintings from Hall 64 of the “Palace of Nestor” at Pylos’
12.10-12.50 Hariclia Brecoulaki (KERA, The National Research Foundation), Sharon Stocker (Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati), Jack Davis (ASCSA), Emily Egan (Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati), ‘An Unprecedented Naval Scene from Hall 64 of the “Palace of Nestor” at Pylos’
12.50-13.20 Katie Demakopoulou (Former Director of the National Archaeological Museum at Athens, Director of the Midea Excavations) & Christos Boulotis (Academy of Athens, Research Centre for Antiquity), ‘Evidence for Mycenaean Wall-Paintings at Midea’
13.20-15.00 Lunch break
Chair: Efi Sakellaraki, Honorary Ephor of Antiquities
15.00-15.30 †Yannis Sakellarakis (Honorary Ephor of Antiquities), Iphigenia Tournavitou (Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly) & Hariclia Brecoulaki (KERA, The National Research Foundation), ‘A Preliminary Presentation of the Mycenaean Wall-Paintings from Argos’
15.30-16.10 Alcestis Papadimitriou (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), Joseph Maran (Institute for Prehistory, Early History, and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Heidelberg) & Ulrich Thaler (Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität, Munich), ‘A New Wall-Painting Scene from Tiryns’
16.10-16.50 Christos Boulotis (Academy of Athens, Research Centre for Antiquity), ‘Flying Blue Birds on an Ofering Table from Tiryns’
16.50-17.10 Coffee break
Chair: Anna Michailidou (KERA, The National Research Foundation)
17.10-18.10 Discussion
Sunday, February 13, 2011
National Research Institute, 48 Vassileos Constandinou Ave.
Chair: Eleni Papazoglou-Manioudaki, National Archaeological Museum
9.00-9.40 Iphigenia Tournavitou, Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly. Sport, Prestige, and Ritual Outside the Palaces: Pictorial Frescoes from the West House at Mycenae.
9.40-10.20 Kim Shelton (Department of Classics, University of California, Berkeley), ‘LH IIIA Frescoes from Petsas House, Mycenae: Splatters, Patterns and Scenes’
10.20-11.00 Diana Wardle (Department of Archaeology, University of Birmingham), ‘The Wall-Painting from the “Room with the Fresco” at Mycenae: Context and Content’
11:00-11.20 Coffee break
Chair: Spyros Iakovidis, Academy of Athens, Research Centre for Antiquity
11.20-11.50 Eleni Palaiologou (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), ‘A Female Painted Plaster Figure from Mycenae’
11.50-12.30 Elena Kountouri (Head of the Secretariat of Central Archaeological Council), ‘Bits and Pieces: New Evidence Unfolds. Wall-Painting Fragments from the Stratifed Context on the Spourlis Property in Thebes’
12.30-13.10 Theodoros Spyropoulos (Honorary Ephor of Antiquities), ‘Mural Paintings from the Mycenaean Palace of Boeotian Orchomenos’
13.10-13.50 Christos Boulotis (Academy of Athens, Research Centre for Antiquity), ‘A Dolphin Frieze and Nautili (?) from the Mycenaean Citadel of Gla, Boeotia’
13.50-15.20 Lunch break
Chair: Maria Vlazaki-Andreadaki, Director General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture and Tourism
15.20-17.00 Closing discussion
Closing discussion will take place at the foundation “The Other Arcadia”, where there will also be an exhibition of contemporary Greek painting (Christos Bokoros and Chronis Botsoglou) from Sotiris Felios’ Collection (16 Fokionos Negri St., Kypseli. Tel. 210 88 24 681).
Invitation (.pdf 656kb)
Programme (.pdf 795kb)
Cotsen Hall (map)
National Research Foundation (map)
Foundation “The Other Arcadia” (map)