11 June 2014 Knossos, the Throne Room with Original Throne of Gyprus and a Reproduction of the Griffin Fresco John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, the South Propylaeum Partially Restored Showing Reproductions of Cupbearer Fresco John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Phaistos, Clay Disc, Imported from South-West Asia Minor [?], and Stamped with Signs, Middle Minoan III John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Middle Minoan III Faience from the Temple Repositories John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Middle Minoan III Figurine of the Snake Goddess, in Faience, from the Temple Repositories John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Middle Minoan III Vases of Clay (b [inscribed] and c) and Faience (a) John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Imported Cycladic Vase from Melos. Temple Repositories John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Pakhyammos (a) Middle Minoan IIIb.- Late Minoan Ia and (b) Middle Minoan I Vases John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Middle Minoan III Cups Showing Marks of the Quick Wheel John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury
11 June 2014 Knossos, Middle Minoan III Vases from Various Parts of the Site John D. Pendlebury Pendlebury