The island of Mochlos.
Title: Explorations in the Island of Mochlos
Year of publication: 1912
City: Boston
Image number: 1
Page: Frontispiece
Dimensions (in cm): 20,2 x 12,6
Place: Crete
Age: Late Bronze Age
Type: site
Plaisio: topography
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 2
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 3
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 4
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 5
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 6
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 7
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 8
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 9a
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 9b
R.B. Seager, Explorations in the Island of Mochlos (1912), fig. 10