Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


Friday, 27 October 2023, 19:00 (Athens time)

Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera

Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitsaion 9, Acropolis metro station)

Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera

The ideology of an obsolete society without written texts can be approached only through archaeological evidence. Mortuary practices, for example, since the Palaeolithic, can reveal perceptions about the afterlife, and are relevant to memory. Certain indications for such perceptions have also emerged in Akrotiri on Thera.

Friday, 24 November 2023, 19:00 (Athens time)

Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation

Swedish Institute at Athens (Μitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station)

Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation

Eastern Macedonia (Northern Greece) during the Late Bronze Age is a terra incognita and at the same time a promising field of research for the scientific archaeological community, both in terms of occupation and in terms of the networks of contacts that were formed at this region during that period. Covering an area of about 10.000 sq. km, with a strong alternation of large mountains, extensive fertile valleys and large river systems, this area was an important cultural bridge between the Aegean, Balkan, and Anatolian worlds.

Friday, 15 December 2023, 19:00

Little islands, big cultural issues. The Gavdos experience (in Greek)

Swedish Institute at Athens (Μitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station)

Little islands, big cultural issues. The Gavdos experience (in Greek)

Η Γαύδος είναι η πιο μακρινή και η πιο εκτεταμένη από τις περιοικίδες νήσους της Κρήτης, η μόνη που κατοικείται και στη σύγχρονη εποχή. Βρίσκεται στη μεθόριο του ελλαδικού και του ευρωπαϊκού χώρου με την Αφρική, έχει κομβική θέση, και ορισμένα ιδιαίτερα προϊόντα – της ενδοχώρας, και της θάλασσάς της. Τα γνωρίσματα αυτά και, βέβαια, ο ίδιος ο νησιωτικός της χαρακτήρας δικαιολογούν, εν μέρει, την εικόνα μιας σχετικής απομόνωσης όσο και εξωστρέφειας, μιας διαλεκτικής σχέσης της με τους (προ)ιστορικούς ορίζοντες του κρητικού, του αιγαιακού και του ευρύτερου μεσογειακού χώρου.