Ägina-Kolonna 2010
Florens Felten, Claus Reinholdt, Eduard Pollhammer, Walter Gauss & Rudolfine Smetana Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 81 (2011): 47-72.
Work in 2010 at the ‘West Complex’ of Cape Kolonna was concerned with the East Street with a series of late Archaic occupation layers, the usage levels beneath these dating to the late Neolithic – Early Bronze Age period, and the concluding architectural recording of East Building 0-11. A central column emplacement could be ascertained at the East Building II; due to the specific situation on the slope, the deeper layers here brought to light exclusively Middle Helladic finds. In the region of the court to the east of the core building, the late Archaic levelling work for the West Complex proved to be far-reaching; in addition to a disturbed child burial of Proto-geometric date, predominantly early Helladic usage levels were encountered successively in the lower strata. Work in the area of the ‘South Hill’ concentrated on concluding investigations at the so-called Large Stone Building of Middle Helladic date, as well as stratigraphic trenches to clarify an Early Bronze Age predecessor development, marked by the remains of an Early Helladic II structure with white exterior plaster and a tiled roof.
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