Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


1 January 2019

Κουκονήσι Λήμνου. Πρώτες παρατηρήσεις από τη μελέτη της μυκηναϊκής κεραμικής

Christos Boulotis, Elina Kardamaki & Tina Boloti In P. Triantafyllidis (ed.), 2017. Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στα Νησιά του Αιγαίου. Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο, Ρόδος, 27 Νοεμβρίου-1 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, vol. B, Mytilene: 45-62.


Mycenaean “presence” on the Koukonisi islet, situated in the innermost part of the Moudros gulf (Lemnos), was attested long ago thanks to numerous surface finds (sherds, typical clay figurines etc). During the 2005 campaign in the Bronze Age settlement, systematically excavated there since 1994, a stratified deposit (conventionally called “Accumulation A”) came to light in the trench 6a, comprising, in almost equal proportions, of sherds of traditional, local red-slipped ceramics and of Mycenaean pottery as well; the preliminary remarks from the study of the latter are presented in this paper. The macroscopic examination of the Mycenaean sherds, dated mainly to LH IIIA2-LH IIIB1, indicate the coexistence of imported and probably locally-made fine Mycenaean pottery. Of local fabric seems to be also the cooking ware, although it reflects Cretan and Mycenaean traditions. In any case, the scheduled chemical and petrographic analyses of selected ceramic samples are expected to give clearer answers on this subject. The examination of the Mycenaean pottery from Koukonisi and its correlation with the local/traditional pottery constitutes the stepping stone for discussing once again issues related to the nature of the Mycenaean element on the islet. We argue that the available evidence, seen in a “historical perspective”, should be understood not simply as “cultural innovation” of the local Lemnian community, but much more as the result of the physical presence of Mycenaeans at the settlement, who would have founded there an emporion of crucial importance, incorporated in the net of maritime trade roads of the north Aegean during the late Bronze age.


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