Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


28 February 2015

Le Quartier Nu (Malia, Crète). L’occupation néopalatiale

Maud Devolder Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136-137.1 (Etudes) (2012-2013): 1-82


We present here the results of soundings that were undertaken in the Neopalatial levels under Quartier Nu at Malia (Crete) in 1988-1993. The stratigraphy, architecture and material remains illustrate the existence of several domestic units. These houses were destroyed by fire at an advanced stage of the Late Minoan IA period, perhaps in relation to the Santorini eruption. The architecture and fragments of painted plaster testify to the elaboration of the Neopalatial habitat. The results of the soundings also point to the continuity of occupation in this part of the site, as the Neopalatial houses partly reused the walls of Protopalatial structures, while dictating the orientation of the Late Minoan IIIA2-B Quartier Nu.


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