Ancient Cyprus in the British Museum: Εssays in Ηonour of Veronica Tatton-Brown
Edited by Thomas Kiely

City: London
Year: 2009
Publisher: The British Museum
Series: British Museum Press Research Publication 180
Description: Paperback, 100 p., 95 colour and half-tone ill., tables, drawings, 29,5x21 cm
The ancient Cypriot collections of the British Museum have inspired the essays in this volume in honour of Veronica Tatton-Brown, who for many years was their curator. Written by her academic colleagues and friends, the themes covered range from funeral rites at Late Bronze Age Enkomi to sculptured portraits of parents and children in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, along with the reconstruction of the Persian siege ramp at Palaipaphos and the history of Cypriot archaeology as revealed in the Museum’s archives. The focus on individual objects ranges from the superb craftsmanship of an ivory gaming-box to an intriguing clay model of a dagger and its sheath, in a volume that highlights key points of interest in this rich and varied collection.
Contributors and acknowledgements [iv]
Lesley Fitton, ‘Veronica Tatton-Brown, Cyprus and the British Museum’ [v-viii].
Vassos Karageorghis, ‘Cypriote Archaeology in the Bloomsbury Area’ [1-6].
Franz Georg Maier & Marie-Louise von Wartburg, ‘Reconstruction of a siege: the Persians at Paphos’ [7-20].
Antoine Hermary, ‘Parents et enfants dans la sculpture chypriote’ [21-25].
Lindy Crewe, ‘Feasting with the dead? Tomb 66 at Enkomi’ [27-48].
Robert Merrillees, ‘A model curator and a terracotta model dagger and sheath from Early Bronze Age Cyprus in the British Museum’ [49-56] .
Annie Caubet, ‘A tale of two cities. Le coffre en ivoire d’Enkomi et la coupe d’or d’Ougarit’ [57-62].
Thomas Kiely, ‘The Kourion notebook in the British Museum. Excavating an old excavation’ [63-100].
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