Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2009

8 February 2011

Cyprus and the East Aegean. Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC. An International Archaeological Symposium held at Pythagoreion, Samos, October 17th – 18th 2008

Edited by Vassos Karageorghis & Ourania Kouka

Cyprus and the East Aegean. Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC. An International Archaeological Symposium held at Pythagoreion, Samos, October 17th – 18th 2008

City: Nicosia

Year: 2009

Publisher: A.G. Leventis Foundation

Description: Paperback, 262 p., colour & b/w ill., tables, maps, drawings, 29,4x21 cm


The study of the archaeology and history of a country is not confined within the narrow boundaries of its physical borders, but it expands much further, to include its relations with the neighbouring countries and the outside world in general. The more so when this country is a small island, like Cyprus, whose survival presupposes continuous overseas contacts. The Mediterranean has been uniquely blessed and is a good example of the phenomenon of a sea which unites and does not separate the countries which it borders. This elongated sea, with a number of islands scattered from one end to the other, has made communications possible, even in prehistoric times, when the means of navigation were primitive.

From a very early period the Cypriots established contacts with their neighbours, the Syro-Palestinian coast, Asia Minor and Egypt. The copper trade broadened these horizons to include the Aegean and even further, the islands of the Central Mediterranean, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. The cultural contacts between Cyprus and the East Aegean started in the 3rd mill. BC, when the island of copper adapted the know-how of tin bronze from the south-east and the southern coasts of Anatolia. The contacts became more intensive in the 2nd mill. BC, when Cyprus was dominant in the Mediterranean as the most important supplier of copper and welcomed colonists from Mycenaean Greece. This relationship reached its peak in the Iron Age under the supervision of new political entities, the Cypriote Kingdoms. The contacts between these geographical regions differed through the ages with regard to their direction and purpose, as well as to their quality and quantity.

Several international symposia have already dealt with the relations between Cyprus, Crete and Mainland Greece; the results have been published. The aim of the international symposium Cyprus and the East Aegean. Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC organized on the island of Samos is the research in the relations between Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean, a part of the Aegean world which was of pivotal cultural importance, because it served as the stepping stone which led to the peoples of Anatolia and the Persian Empire, via the western coast of Asia Minor. Furthermore, the Eastern Aegean lies half-way between Cyprus and continental Greece, and the rules of early navigation necessitated the following of such a passage, especially through the south-eastern Aegean.

The present symposium has been organized by the A.G. Leventis Foundation and the German Archaeological institute, the excavations of which at Samos and Miletus, as well as its scholarly publications, have placed research on the civilizations of the Eastern Aegean on a very high pedestal.


List of contributors [9]

Preface [11]

Abbreviations [13]

Vassos Karageorghis, ‘Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean: an introduction’ [15-22]

James Muhly, ‘The origin of the name ‘Ionian’’ [23-30]

Ourania Kouka, ‘Cross-cultural links and elite-identities: the Eastern Aegean/Western Anatolia and Cyprus from the early third millennium through the early second millennium BC’ [31-47]

Toula Marketou, ‘Rhodes and Cyprus in the Bronze Age: old and new evidence of contacts and interactions’ [48-58]

Penelope A. Mountjoy, ‘Cyprus and the East Aegean: LH IIIC pottery connections’ [59-71]

Reinhard Jung, ‘Pirates of the Aegean: Italy – the East Aegean – Cyprus at the end of the second millennium BC’ [72-93]

Nikolaos Stampolidis, ‘Can Crete be excluded? Direct or indirect contacts among Cyprus, the East Aegean and Crete during the Geometric – Archaic periods’ [94-102]

Eleni Farmakidou, ‘How far can pots go? Conceptualising pottery production and exchange in Geometric Rhodes’ [103-113]

Georgios Bourogiannis, ‘Eastern influence on Rhodian Geometric pottery: foreign elements and local receptiveness’ [114-130]

Sabine Fourrier, ‘East Greek and Cypriote ceramics of the Archaic period’ [131-138]

Helmut Kyrieleis, ‘Intercultural commerce and diplomacy: Near Eastern, Egyptian and Cypriot artefacts from the Heraion of Samos’ [139-143]

Jacqueline Karageorghis, ‘Moulds, production and circulation of terracottas of Cypriote style in Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean during the Archaic period’ [144-170]

Panagiota Marantidou, ‘The standing draped female figure in the Archaic art of Cyprus and the Eastern Aegean: a comparative study’ [171-188]

Maria Viglaki-Sofianou & Panagiota Marantidou, ‘The Cypriote collection in the Archaeological Museum of Samos: a new exhibition’ [189-192]

Vassilis Kilikoglou, Vassos Karageorghis, Nota Kourou, Panagiota Marantidou & Michael. D. Glascock, ‘Cypriote and Cypriote-type terracotta figurines in the Aegean: chemical characterisation and provenance investigation’ [193-205]

Jan-Marc Henke, ‘Cypriote terracottas from Miletus’ [206-217]

Reinhard Senff, ‘Beasts, heroes and worshippers: Cypriote limestone statuettes from the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Miletus’ [218-228]

Numan Tuna, Nadite Atici, Üftade Mușkara & Ilham Sakarya, ‘Some remarks on the limestone figurines recently found at the Archaic sanctuary of Apollo in the territory of Knidos‘ [229-243]

Antoine Hermary, ‘Ionian styles in Cypriote sculpture of the sixth century BC’ [244-251]

Ursula Höckmann, ‘Male figures bearing sacrificial animals from Cyprus, the Aegean and Naukratis’ [252-262]


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