Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2013

16 October 2013

Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World. Towards a Better Integration of Archaeology and Science

Edited by Sofia Voutsaki & Soultana Maria Valamoti

Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World. Towards a Better Integration of Archaeology and Science

City: Leuven

Year: 2013

Publisher: Peeters

Series: Pharos Supplement 1

Description: Paperback, viii & 241 p., b/w and colour illustrations, tables, maps, charts, 27,5x21 cm

(Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens on 22-24 March 2012)


The last decades have witnessed the adoption and refinement of various scientific techniques that allow us to reconstruct past diets, but also to understand the role of food in social interaction. These are exciting developments, but the proliferation of analytical techniques may also lead to over-specialization and fragmentation of the field. The papers in this volume explore the relation between diet, economy and society in the ancient Greek world by integrating different analytical techniques. Examples include the analysis of plant and animal remains, the bioarchaeological study of human remains, stable isotope and dental microwear analysis as well as the examination of organic residues. However, the aim of this volume is not only to compare different methods of analysis, but also to integrate method and theory and to reflect more widely on the integration of science and archaeology. The volume concludes with the report of a Round Table discussion on the institutional framework and the regulations surrounding the practice of archaeological science in Greece, as well as the ethical obligations of the practitioners.


Preface [vii-viii]

S. Voutsaki & S.M. Valamoti, ‘Towards a better integration of archaeology and science in the study of ancient diet: an introduction’ [1-8]

J. Bintliff, ‘Archaeological science, scientific archaeology and the Big Questions in the long-term development of Greek society from prehistory to Roman times’ [9-17]

A. Papathanasiou, T. Theodoropoulou & S.M. Valamoti, ‘The quest for prehistoric meals: towards an understanding of past diets in the Aegean. Integrating stable isotope analysis, archaeobotany and zooarchaeology’ [19-31]

M. Roumpou, N.S. Müller, N. Kalogeropoulos, P.M. Day, I. Nikolakopoulou &  V. Kilikoglou, ‘An interdisciplinary approach to the study of cooking vessels from Bronze Age Akrotiri, Thera’ [33-46]

B. Derham, R. Doonan, Y. Lolos, A. Sarris  & R. Jones , ‘Integrating geochemical survey, ethnography and organic residue analysis to identify and understand areas of foodstuff processing’ [47-54]

S. El Zaatari, K. Harvati & E. Panagopoulou, ‘Occlusal molar microwear texture analysis and the diet of the Neanderthal from Lakonis’ [55-63]

E. Kotjabopoulou, ‘The horse, the lake and the people: implications for the Late Glacial social landscapes at the foot of the Pindus mountain range, north-western Greece’ [65-75]

M. Pappa, P. Halstead, K. Kotsakis, A. Bogaard, R. Fraser, V. Isaakidou, I. Mainland, D. Mylona, K. Skourtopoulou,  S. Triantaphyllou, Chr. Tsoraki, D. Urem-Kotsou, S.M. Valamoti & R. Veropoulidou, ‘The Neolithic site of Makriyalos, northern Greece: a reconstruction of the social and economic structure of the settlement through a comparative study of the finds’ [77-88]

Κ. Psaraki, Μ. Roumpou, V. Aravantinos & N. Kalogeropoulos, ‘Food storage and household economy at late Early Helladic II Thebes: an interdisciplinary approach’ 79-102]

A. Papanthimou, S.M. Valamoti, E. Papadopoulou, E. Tsagkaraki & E. Voulgari
‘Food storage in the context of an Early Bronze Age household economy: New evidence from Archontiko Giannitson’ [103-111]

E. Papadopoulou & Y. Maniatis, ‘Reconstructing thermal processing techniques: the application of FTIR spectroscopy in the analysis of clay thermal structures from Early Bronze Age Archontiko’ [113-122]

T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, J. Morrison, D. Mylona, E. Margaritis & R. Beeston, ‘Living off the fruits of the sea: new evidence for dining at Papadiokampos, Crete’ [123-132]

S. Voutsaki, S. Triantaphyllou, E. Milka & C. Zerner, ‘Middle Helladic Lerna: diet, economy, society’ [133-147]

A. Ingvarsson-Sundström, S. Voutsaki & E. Milka, ‘Diet, health and social differentiation  in Middle Helladic Asine: a bioarchaeological view’ [149-161]

A. Galik, G. Forstenpointner, G.E. Weissengruber,  U. Thanheiser, M. Lindblom, R. Smetana & W. Gauß, ‘Bioarchaeological investigations at Kolonna, Aegina (Early Helladic III to Late Helladic III)’ [163-171]

S. Andreou, C. Heron, G. Jones, V. Kiriatzi, K. Psaraki, M. Roumpou & S.M. Valamoti, ‘Smelly barbarians or perfumed natives? An investigation of oil and ointment use in Late Bronze Age northern Greece’ [174-185]

D.  Mylona, M. Ntinou, P. Pakkanen, A. Penttinen, D. Serjeantson & T. Theodoropoulou, ‘Integrating archaeology and science in a Greek sanctuary: issues of practice and interpretation in the study of the bioarchaeological remains from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia’ [187-203]

M. Tiverios, E. Manakidou, D. Tsiafakis, S.M. Valamoti, T. Theodoropoulou & E. Gatzogia, ‘Cooking in an Iron Age pit in northern Greece: an interdisciplinary approach’ [205-214]

C. Bourbou, ‘Are we what we eat? Reconstructing dietary patterns of Greek Byzantine populations (7th-13th centuries AD) through a multi-disciplinary approach’ [215-229]

R. Charalampopoulou, ‘The institutional framework of scientific analyses in Greece: administrative procedures and some statistics for the period 2002 – 2009’ [231-234]

S. Voutsaki, S.M. Valamoti & the participants, ‘Institutional framework and ethical obligations: the Round Table discussion on archaeological science in Greece’ [235-241]


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