Egialea. Ricerche nella Valle del Krios
Angela Pontrandolfo in collaborazione con Michalis Petropoulos & Athanasios D. Rizakis

City: Rome
Year: 2016
Publisher: Scuola Archaeologica Italiana di Atene
Series: Monografie della Scuola Archaeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente XXIV, 1: Egialea, 1
Description: Paperback, 359 p., numerous b/w figures, 37 colour maps, 21.5 x 31.5 cm
This project is the outcome of the collaboration between the VI Ephoreia to the Prehistoric and Classical Antiquity of Patras (then directed by M. Petropoulos), the Italian Archaeological School of Athens (then directed by E. Greco), the Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquities of the Greek National Foundation for Scientific Research (then directed by A.D. Ritzakis) and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno (then directed by A. Pontrandolfo). The latter was given by the Greek Ministry of Culture the authorization to conduct a systematic territorial survey alongside the institutional activities of the Ephoreia in order to retrieve actual archaeological data by means of specific instruments, both spatial and chronological, refined by field research.
The institutions decided to start a systematic survey of the Eastern part of the territory now corresponding to the ancient Aegialeia and, since the area between Aigeira and Pellene belongs today to Corinthia, the investigation began from the valley of the Krios, which flows on the west of Aigeira.
This volume is a collection of the results of surveys and intrasite excavations conducted in the first four years in the areas corresponding to the theoretical transects that concern both sides of the low and middle valley of the river.
Introduzione [7-10]
Introduction [11-14]
I. Territorio e Riorganizzazione delle Poleis nell’ Achaia Orientale da Omero a Strabone [19-30]
Athanasios D. Rizakis
II. La Cartografia Storica e i documenti di Archivo [31-54]
Pietro Toro
III. Gli Itinerari del’ Grand Tour nell’ Acaia Orientale e nell’ Arcadia Settentrionale [55-66]
Pietro Toro
IV. Storia delle Ricerche Archeologiche prima del Progetto Italo-Greco [67-76]
Michalis Petropoulos
V. Aspetti Ambientali e Fisici dell’ Egialea [79-82]
Giampiero Colaianni, Girolamo Fiorentino, Eric Fouache & Michalis Petropoulos
VI. I Fiumi dell’ Egialea [83-88]
Michalis Petropoulos
VII. La Viabilità dell’ Egialea [89-104]
Georgia Z. Alexopoulou & Alfonso Santoriello
VIII. Strategie di Intervento [107-118]
Eric Fouache, Alfonso Santoriello & Francesco U. Scelza
IX. I Siti [119-197]
Serena De Caro, Angela M. De Feo, Simona Di Gregorio, Maria T. Granese, Michele Scafuro, Francesco U. Scelza & Pietro Toro
X. Età Preistorica [201-271]
Angela Pontrandolfo et alii.
X.1 L’indagine intrasito e i saggi stratigrafìci [208-242]
Serena De Caro, Fausto Longo, Maria L. Rizzo & AIfonso Santoriello
X.2 I dati paleovegetazionali dell’area di Kassaneva [243-248]
Giampiero Colaianni & Girolamo Fiorentino
X.3 La ceramica protoelladica [249-262]
Angela M. De Feo & Maria T. Granese
X.4 Gli Instrumenta [262-271]
Valentina Miceli
Tavole [273-288]
XI. Età Storica [289-327]
Angela Pontrandolfo et alii.
XI.1 La ceramica [297-312]
Michele Scafuro
XI.2 Gli scavi nell’area della foce del fiume Krios [313-327]
Erofili-Iris Kolia
Bibliografia [329-359]
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