Excavations at Sissi II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns
Edited by Jan Driessen
City: Louvain
Year: 2011
Publisher: Presses Universitaires de Louvain
Series: Aegis 04
Description: Paperback, 228 p., coloured and b/w figures, 30x21 cm
Since 2007, the Belgian School at Athens has undertaken excavations on the Kefali or Buffo hill, east of the village of Sissi, on the north coast of Crete where a Minoan site was occupied approximately between 2500 and 1200 BC. This volume is the follow-up of an earlier one on the 2007-2008 excavations (published as Aegis 1) and presents a preliminary report on the excavations carried out in 2009 and 2010. It concentrates on the different zones examined within the cemetery and settlement. There are also reports on the Late Minoan pottery, site conservation and environmental analysis as well as a paper on the use of GIS at Sissi.
1. Jan Driessen, ‘Excavations at Sissi, 2009 and 2010. Introduction’ [23]
1.1. Introduction and acknowledgements [23]
1.2. Demining operations [24]
1.3. History of Occupation on the Kefali at Sissi [25]
1.4. Conclusions [32]
1.5. References [32]
2. Piraye Hacigüzeller, ‘GIS on Site: A View from Kefali Hill’ [33]
2.1. Introduction [33]
2.2. GIS at Sissi: Four Types of Use [34]
2.3. GIS at Sissi: A ‘Performative’ Account [36]
2.4. Conclusions [38]
2.5. References [39]
3. Ilse Schoep, Aurore Schmitt & Isabelle Crevecoeur, ‘The Cemetery at Sissi. Report of the 2009 and 2010 Campaigns’ [41]
3.1. Upper Terrace (Zone 1) [41]
3.2. Middle terrace [55]
3.3. Lower terrace with structures 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.15-1.16 [58]
3.4. North Slope (Zone 9) [65]
3.5. References 67
4. Frank Carpentier, ‘The Excavation of Zone 2. The 2009-2010 Campaigns’ [69]
4.1. Introduction [69]
4.2. Building BC, spaces 2.6 and 2.7 [69]
4.3. Building BC, space 2.8 [72]
4.4. Building BC, space 2.9 [74]
4.5. Building BC, space 2.10 [75]
4.6. Building BC, space 2.11 [76]
4.7. Building BC, space 2.12 [78]
4.8. The Intramural burials (by I. Crevecoeur, A. Schmitt & A. Civetta) [79]
4.9. Conclusion [81]
4.10. References [82]
5. Florence Gaignerot-Driessen & Quentin Letesson, ‘The Excavation of Building CD. Introduction’ [83]
5.1.1. Early occupation on the top of the hill [85]
5.1.2. The Postpalatial building [86]
5.1.3. References [88]
5.2. The Excavation of Zone 3 (by Florence Gaignerot-Driessen) [89]
5.2.1. The shrine (Room 3.8) [89]
5.2.2. The hall (Room 3.1) [93]
5.2.3. Conclusions [100]
5.2.4. References [100]
5.2.5. Building CD [103]
5.3. The Excavation of Zone 4 (by Quentin Letesson)
5.3.1. The Building on the Summit [103]
5.3.2. Building CD: Surrounding Areas (by Thibaut Gomrée) [136]
5.3.3. References [141]
6. Maud Devolder, ‘The Excavation of Zone 5’ [143]
6.1. Introduction [143]
6.2. The excavation of Building E in 2009-2010 [145]
6.3. The open area north of Building E [154]
6.4. Seal 10-05-1882-OB001 (by Maria Anastasiadou) [160]
6.5. References [161]
7. Simon Jusseret, ‘The Excavation of Zones 6 and 7’ [163]
7.1. Zone 6 (by Maria Anastasiadou) [163]
7.2. Zone 7 [172]
7.3. General conclusion [176]
7.4. References [177]
8. Charlotte Langohr, ‘La céramique MM IIIB-MR IIIB de Sissi. Quelques dépôts et ensembles notoires’ [179]
8.1. La période néo-palatiale [179]
8.2. Les périodes palatiale finale et post-palatiale [181]
8.3. Références [195]
Florence Liard, ‘Macroscopic analysis of three Neopalatial and Postpalatial conical cup assemblages. Preliminary Remarks on Late Bronze Age semi-fine fabrics at Sissi’ [197]
1. Presentation of the three assemblages [197]
2. Regional pottery production in context [199]
3. Macroscopic description of the semi-fine conical cup fabrics [201]
4. References [209]
Valasia Isaakidou, Alexandra Livarda, Christina Tsoraki & Rena Veropoulidou, ‘Bio-archaeological Assemblages and Ground Stone Artefacts. Methodological framework and preliminary results’ [211]
1. Introduction [211]
2. Sampling strategy and on-site methods [211]
3. Material processing and analysis [213]
4. Some preliminary results [214]
5. Acknowledgements [217]
6. References [218]
Nearchos Nikakis, ‘Τεχνική Έκθεση Στερεώσεως στον Αρχαιολογικό Χώρο Σισίου’ [219]
1. Αρχαιολογικός Χώρος [219]
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