Festòs e Haghia Triada. Rinvenimenti minori I. Materiale per la tessitura
Pietro Militello

City: Padova
Year: 2014
Publisher: Centro di Archeologia Cretese - Università di Catania - Scuola Archeologia Italiana di Atene - Bottega d’Erasmo
Series: Studi di Archeologia Cretese XI
Description: Hardback, 383 p., 10 b/w figures, 12 b/w plates in the text, 51 b/w plates of figures, 30 x 21 cm
The volume presents the study of the material associated with textile manufacture, deriving from the Neolithic and Minoan levels of Phaistos and Ayia Triada. It includes 6 chapters and 5 technical appendixes. In the first chapter, the archaeological sequence of both sites is described with particular attention to the areas and periods with more important evidence of textile production. In chapter II, the nature and consistence of this evidence is discussed. Only some of the tools used during the different phases of the «chaîne opératoire» of textile manufacture are found in the archaeological record as many of them are of perishable material and the surviving items, mainly spindle-whorls (SW) and loom-weights (LW), are often difficult to identify due to the unspecialised nature of the tools themselves. Chapter III includes the catalogue of tools divided according to sites, classes (SW, LW, spinning vases, needles, other materials, textiles) and typologies. The following information for each item is supplied: provenance, year of excavation, current location, morphology, fabric, measurements (in mm) and weight (in grams). Chronology is also added where possible unless it is given for the whole class, e.g. for kylix stems or spools. In chapter IV, the different typologies of SWs and LWs are analysed according to morphology, fabric, use, wear and metrical data. In chapter V, find contexts are analysed according to sites, chronological horizons, areas, rooms, spaces and loci. Contexts have been reconstructed «bottom up», starting from all the items with the same provenance (forming a «group»), therefore when possible linking the groups in «deposit» i.e., sets of tools originally belonging to the same systemic context. After the careful review of the contexts, chapter VI atempts a wider reconstruction of the technical and social transformations of textile manufacture in Phaistos and Ayia Triada from the Neolithic to the final Bronze Age.
I. Festòs e Haghia Triada: gli insediamenti e le fasi
1. La ricerca archeologica e i problemi dell’interpretazione dei dati [13]
2. La topografìa dell’area [15]
3. Festòs: il sito e le fasi [17]
4. Haghia Triada: il sito e le fasi [23]
II Festòs e Haghia Triada: il materiale
1. Introduzione [29]
2. Classi e tipologie [31]
III. Catalogo del materiale
1. Avvertenze al catalogo [49]
2. Catalogo dei materiali da Festòs [53]
3. Catalogo dei materiali da Haghia Triada [119]
4. Catalogo dei materiali nei musei italiani (Festòs ο Haghia Triada) [139]
IV. L’analisi del materiale
Introduzione [145]
Analisi dei materiali da Festòs [146]
Analisi dei materiali da Haghia Triada [170]
V. L’analisi dei contesti
Introduzione [185]
Analisi dei contesti da Festòs [189]
Analisi dei contesti da Haghia Triada [231]
VI. Osservazioni conclusive
1. Lo strumentario tessile [251]
2. Organizzazione e modi di produzione [257]
Bibliografia [269]
1. Technical textile tools report on Phaistos (Joanne Cutler, Eva Andersson Strand, Marie-Louise Nosch) [291]
2. Technical textile tools report on Ayia Triada (Joanne Cutler, Eva Andersson Strand, Marie-Louise Nosch) [299]
3. Preliminary report on the Bronze Age fibre find from Phaistos (C. Margariti, M.-L. Nosch, I. Skals) [307]
4. Preliminary report on the Bronze Age fibre find from Kalyvia (Museum of Herakleion 1903.688) (Christina Margariti) [309]
5. Fuseruole e pesi da telaio in argilla: osservazioni sperimentali (Pietro Militello) [312]
Abstract [319]
Indice delle illustrazioni [326]
Indice delle tavole fuori testo [327]
Tavole fuori testo [331]
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