Fundorte von Keramik ägäischen Typs in Italien
Frank W. Hulek
City: Bonn
Year: 2013
Publisher: Rudolf Habert
Series: Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 223
Description: Paperback, 92 p., 17 figures, 5 plates, 30x21 cm
The fact that Aegean type pottery is found in Italy is of great importance when we consider the cultural contacts between the Apennine peninsula and the southern Balkans in the late Bronze Age. Ever since the 19th Century its interpretation has been subject of great controversy, the colonisation with the permanent presence of Aegean groups or commercial settlements have been taken into consideration as well as the modes of exchange and the significance of imports. Given that indigenous peoples were able to imitate the Aegean vases the interpretation becomes more complicated, requiring scientific analysis.
This study, developed from a thesis for the Master of Arts, aims at the contextualisation of the Aegean type pottery in its indigenous environment, considering the precise context of discovery and analysing the distribution of find spots, taking into account their geographical and chronological distribution. In the past, such an approach has often been neglected.
Characteristic of a site, where Aegean type pottery was found, is not only the quantity of finds, but also aspects of the palaeoenvironment and the integration of the site into a network of prehistoric trade routes have to be taken into account. This is confirmed by the examination of the seven main sites (Vivara, Lipari and the Aeolian Islands, Monte Grande, Thapsos, Broglio di Trebisacce with the Sybaritis, Coppa Nevigata, and Rocavecchia). A multitude of parameters together led to the assumption that close contacts with the eastern Mediterranean existed. Beside the location in the vicinity of potential trade routes and access to important raw materials, an early prominent role within the regional settlement hierarchy is also relevant. At some sites the imports appear in connection with advanced forms of social organisation (evolving elites). Some theories in the context of economic history, such as the introduction of viticulture and of the cultivation of olive trees from the Aegean to southern Italy already in the Bronze Age, should be critically examined.
More than a hundred find spots of the Aegean type pottery are listed in the catalogue, including information about finds, the chronology of the site, important features and conditions of the surrounding landscape. All places of discovery have been marked on maps which are chronologically divided.
Despite the relatively large number of the above mentioned sites, the idea that the Apennine peninsula was colonised by the Mycenaeans should be rejected. Most of the site provided only a small number of fragments of Aegean type pottery and these are spread over several centuries. A few sites – first of all Scoglio del Tonno, Thapsos, and recently Rocavecchia – stand out by the large number of finds of Aegean origin and by other particularities unique in the Italian context and therefore suggest the presence of merchants or craftsmen of Aegean origin in these indigenous settlements.
Vorwort [9]
Tabelle zur vergleichenden Chronologie [10]
1. Einleitung [11]
2. Forschungsgeschichte [13]
3. Keramik mykenischen Typs [17]
4. Bedeutende Fundstellen [19]
4.1 Vivara [19]
4.2 Lipari und die Äolischen Inseln [22]
4.3 Monte Grande [25]
4.4 Thapsos [30]
4.5 Broglio di Trebisacce [34]
4.6 Sybaritis [38]
4.7 Coppa Nevigata [41]
4.8 Rocavecchia [44]
5. Beobachtungen zu den Fundstellenkarten [48]
6. Schlussbetrachtung [51]
7. Fundstellenkatalog [52]
7.1 Venetien [52]
7.2 Marken [54]
7.3 Molise [54]
7.4 Apulien [55]
7.5 Basilikata [61]
7.6 Kalabrien [62]
7.7 Kampanien [63]
7.8 Latium [65]
7.9 Toskana [66]
7.10 Sizilien [66]
7.11 Sardinien [70]
Karten [72]
Zusammenfassung [77]
Riassunto [77]
Summary [78]
8. Literaturverzeichnis [79]
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