Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2008

15 May 2010

Funeral Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies from Prehistory to Antiquity. Proceedings of the International Workshop “Troas and its Neighbours”

Edited by Onur Özbek

Funeral Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies from Prehistory to Antiquity. Proceedings of the International Workshop “Troas and its Neighbours”

City: Istanbul

Year: 2008

Publisher: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes

Description: Paperback, 188 p., b/w ill., 27x19,5 cm


This book constitutes a thoroughly refereed International Workshop held in Çanakkale in 2006 and organised by two universities conjointly on funeral rites, rituals and ceremonies from Prehistory to Antiquity. The book covers a time span from mostly Bronze Age to Classical periods and examines some of the archaeological evidence while presenting and discussing individual sites on funeral practices. Scholars of history and archaeology from different countries, contribute to this volume by providing examples not only from the Troas region itself but also from neighbouring and more distant lands. Recent excavations and field surveys in the Troas and its neighbours provide additional information about the details of our ancestors’ response to the universal inevitable reality: the death.


Onur Özbek, Preface [v]

Pierre Chuvin & Pierre Carlier, Introduction [xi]

Pierre Chuvin, Opening speech: Actualité de la guerre de Troie [1-3].

Alexandre Baralis & Atila Riapov, ‘Structures et rites funéraires à l’Age du Bronze Récent et au Premier Age du Fer en Thrace égéenne et dans la chaîne des Rhodopes’ [5-25].

Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets, ‘Architecture et décor des tombes monumentales à l’époque hellénistique : quelques modèles communs (Macédoine, Thrace, Egypte, Asie Mineure, Chypre) [27-43].

Anne-Sophie Koeller, ‘Structures funéraires grecques et regroupements familiaux au IVe siècle avant J.-C. : les exemples de Marseille et d’Apollonia Pontique’ [45-57].

Hüseyin Yaman, ‘Door to the other world: Phrygian doorstones at Amorium’ [59-67].

Krassimir Leshtakov, ‘New evidence on the LBA mortuary practices in South Bulgaria’ [69-82].

Onur Özbek, ‘Menhirs in the Graveyards: Fact or Fiction? A Reconsideration of erected stone monuments of Gallipoli Peninsula’ [83-96].

Petia llieva, ‘Funerary rites in the EIA Aegean Thrace: problems and perspectives of research’ [97-114].

Pierre Chuvin, ‘Saisons et Paysages : La géographie des légendes’ [115-121].

Sophie Bugnon, ‘Asia Minor grave stelai of the Hellenistic period : An iconography of the society’ [123-137].

Sophie Montel, ‘From Anatolia to Athens: The links between sculpture and architecture in ancient funerary monuments’ [139-151].

Vasilica Lungu, ‘Les funérailles de Patrocle et les plus anciennes nécropoles Ioniennes de la Mer Noire’ [153-170].

Xavier Delestre, ‘L’archéologie funéraire du paléolithique à l’antiquité tardive en region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France)’ [171-186].


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