Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean
Edited by Kim Duistermaat & Ilona Regulski
City: Leuven
Year: 2011
Publisher: Peeters Press
Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 202
Description: Hardback, xxx & 597 p., 102 figs, 5 tables, 17 × 25 cm
Proceedings of the International Conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25th to 29th October 2008
The conference Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean (ICAM) was organised in 2008 by the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo. While Mediterranean contacts in archaeology are a popular topic in Europe, it was the first time this theme was addressed in Egypt. The conference aimed to discuss theoretical and methodological issues related to the study of intercultural contacts in archaeology on the one hand, and to present actual case-studies of such contacts on the other. In the present volume, thirty-five contributions deal with intercultural contacts all over the Mediterranean from the Levant to Spain and from Egypt to Greece, from prehistory up to the Hellenistic period. They are presented in six sections: Theory and methodology, identifying foreigners and immigrants, material evidence for contact, maritime trade and sea ports, influences in iconography, ideology and religion, and administration and economy.
Contributors [ix]
Programme of the conference [xiii]
M. Bietak, Preface [xix]
K. Duistermaat, Introduction and acknowledgements [xxi]
Theory and methodology
S. Sherratt, Between Theory, Texts and Archaeology: Working with the Shadows [3-29] PDF
D. Panagiotopoulos, The Stirring Sea. Conceptualising Transculturality in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean [31-51] PDF
E. Asouti, Community Identities, Interactions and ‘Cultures’ in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of Western Asia: A Commentary on the Production of Historical Knowledge [53-65] PDF
N. Mac Sweeney, Strange and Estranged: Perceiving Cultural Contacts in Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age Anatolia [67-77] PDF
A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Religious Exchanges Between Minoan Crete and its Neighbours: Methodological Considerations [79-88]
S. Cappel, Considerations on Sealing Practice and Agency in Minoan Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean in the 2nd Millennium BC [89-99]
Identifying foreigners and immigrants
L. Hulin, Pragmatic Technology: Issues in the Interpretation of Libyan Material Culture [101-114]
Μ. Wasmuth, Tracing Egyptians outside Egypt: Assessing the Sources [115-124]
A. Hassler, Mycenaeans at Tell Abu Gurob? [125-136]
B. Bader, Traces of Foreign Settlers in the Archaeological Record of Tell el-Dab’ a [137-158]
P. Wilson, Pots, People and the Plural Community: A Case Study of the Greeks in Egypt at Sais [159-170]
P. Perkins, The Etruscans, their DNA and the Orient [171-182]
Material evidence for contact: ceramics, imports and imitations
J. Bretschneider & K. van Lerberghe, The Jebleh Plain through History: Tell Tweini and its Intercultural Contacts in the Bronze and Early Iron Age [183-204]
L. Badre, Cultural Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean: Evidence from Tell Kazel in the Late Bronze Age [205-224]
G.J. van Wijngaarden, Tokens of a Special Relationship? Mycenaeans and Egyptians [225-251] PDF
B. Burns, Context and Distance: Associations of Egyptian Objects and Style at Mycenae [253-266] PDF
M. Ownby & L.M.V. Smith, The Impact of Changing Political Situations on Trade between Egypt and the Near East: A Provenance Study of Canaanite Jars from Memphis, Egypt [267-284]
A. Ahrens, Strangers in a Strange Land? The Function and Social Significance of Egyptian Imports in the Northern Levant during the 2nd Millennium BC [285-308]
G. Graziadio & G. Guglielmino, The Aegean and Cypriot Imports to Italy as Evidence for Direct and Indirect Trade in the 14th and 13th Centuries BC [309-326] PDF
G. Gernez, The Exchange of Products and Concepts between the Near East and the Mediterranean: The Example of Weapons during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages [327-341] PDF
F. Höflmayer, Egyptian Imitations of Cypriote Base Ring Ware in the Eastern Mediterranean [343-357] PDF
R.G. Gürtekin-Demir, An Eastern Mediterranean Painting Convention in Western Anatolia: Lydian Black-on-Red [359-379]
Maritime trade and sea ports
M.-H. Gates, Maritime Business in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean: the View from its Ports [381-394]
M. Samaes & J. Coenaerts, Exchange Between Southeastern Cyprus and the Surrounding Regions in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Late Bronze Age [395-410]
A. Vianello, One Sea for All: Intercultural, Social and Economic Contacts in the Bronze Age Mediterranean [411-426]
C. Sauvage, Evidence from Old Texts: Aspects of Late Bronze Age International Maritime Travel and Trade Regulations in the Eastern Mediterranean? [427-437] PDF
Influences in iconography, ideology and religion
K. Iren, The First North Ionian Despotes Theron [441-460]
E. Pappa, From Seafaring Men to Travelling Images: The Phoenician ‘Commercial Expansion’ in Southeastern Spain as a Stimulus for Artistic Interactions in Iberia [461-478]
A. Poggio, Incidents in Dynastic Hunts in Lycia and Phoenicia [479-494]
I. Fappas, Exchange of Ideas in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 14th and 13th centuries BC: The Case of Perfumed Oil Use and Ideology [495-510] PDF
S. Erdil-Kocaman & B. Ögüt, From Teshub to Jupiter Dolichenus – The Iconographical Development of the Storm God in Southeastern Turkey and Northern Syria [511-520] PDF
S. Yalcin, A Study of Cultural Interaction in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age: Adaptation of the Winged Sun Disc by the Hittites [521-535] PDF
Administration and economy
L. Jirásková, Relations between Egypt and Syria-Palestine in the Latter Part of the Old Kingdom [539-568] PDF
A. Murock Hussein, Minoan Goat Hunting: Social Status and the Economics of War [569-587] PDF
R. Müller-Wollermann, The Impact of the Greco-Persian Conflict on the Egyptian Economy [589-597]
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