Kultureller Wandel und die Grabsitte im Frühneolithikum des Mittelmeerraumes
Roland de Beauclair

City: Oxford
Year: 2015
Publisher: Archaeopress
Series: BAR International Series 2763
Description: Paperback, 246 p., illustrated throughout in black and white and colour, 29.7 x 21 cm
Traditionally, Neolithic cultural groups have been defined on the basis of a single type of archaeological evidence, namely, pottery. In practice, such clusters identified by specific pottery traits have often been treated as if they were communities with a common cultural identity. Occasional criticism of this practice has not led to a general methodological readjustment. This study is a systematic attempt to identify cultural relationships and boundaries on a new basis using a different, equally relevant set of evidence: burial customs. Only by integrating these results with those obtained from other types of sources, such as pottery, we can achieve a more comprehensive view of cultural groups. The feasibility and relevance of this approach is demonstrated by examining the Early Neolithic in South-eastern and Southern Europe.
The study starts with a theoretical section explor¬ing the specific characteristics of burial customs as an archaeological source. Burial customs as ritual behaviour are subject to the overall functional logic of rituals in general. Second, burial customs are also a very suitable carrier for the storage of cultural memory i.e., the preservation of culturally specific information related to group identity. Due to these two aspects, burial customs potentially display a relative cultural stability. As a consequence, the rate of cultural change may – under certain circumstances – be slower in burial customs than in other types of archaeological sources. Based on these observations, the study develops hypotheses on the development of burial customs at the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic with respect to the specific nature of this transition (e.g., culture contact or colonization). This work argues that by studying burial customs, we can gain a better understanding of the processes shaping this transition.
Abstract [13]
Zusammenfassung [15]
Teil I Einleitung und Grundlagen
1. Einige Anmerkungen zur archäologischen Kulturgliederung [19]
2. Zum Potenzial von Grabsitten für die Kulturgliederung [23]
3. Grabsitten als Quelle für die Kulturgliederung – eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des frühen Neolithikums Südosteuropas und Süditaliens [27]
4. Grabsitten zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel [35]
5. Was ist also im frühen Neolithikum in Bezug auf Grabsitten zu erwarten? [49]
Teil II Die Quellen und ihre Auswertung
6. Fundstellen und Grundlagen der Datenerhebung [55]
7. Analyse [57]
Teil III Ergebnisse und Schluss
8. Verbindendes und Trennendes: das Frühneolithikum in Süd- und Südosteuropa im Lichte der Grabsitten [95]
9. Fazit [107]
Teil IV Anhänge
1. Fundstellenkatalog [115]
2. Absolute Datierungen [151]
3. Datenlisten [181]
4. Bibliographie [233]
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