LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms III. LH III C Late and the Τransition to the Early Iron Age. Proceedings of the international Workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, February 23rd and 24th, 2007
Edited by Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy & Anna Elisabeth Bächle

City: Wien
Year: 2009
Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Series: Veröffentlichungen der Mykenischen Kommission 30
Description: Paperback, 408 p., colour & b/w ill., 29,7x21 cm
The Vienna workshops on LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms serve the purpose of developing a generally applicable chronological framework of the LH III C period and to contribute to a better understanding of the history of this important phase of the early history of Greece. The third workshop was dedicated to the last phases of the Mycenaean civilisation and the transition to the Protogeometric period. Apart from the presentation of mostly unpublished materials from old and new excavations, the proceedings of this workshop contain contributions to many subjects concerning the transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Ages. Several speakers pointed out that the end of the Mycenaean civilisation and the transition to the Early Iron Age expressed itself by different cultural phenomena in the various regions of Greece. One of the main topics was the much debated question whether or not there existed a so-called Submycenaean period, and if so, how should it be defined? Moreover, a new proposal for the absolute chronology of the end of the Late Bronze Age is suggested which will certainly raise a lively discussion.
Contents [5]
Preface [7]
Abbreviations [9]
Programme of the workshop [11]
List of Participants [13]
Stelios Andreou, ‘Stratified wheel made pottery deposits and absolute chronology of the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age transition at Thessaloniki Toumba’ [15-40].
Joost H. Crouwel, ‘Pictorial pottery of the Latest Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age’ [41-60].
Fanouria Dakoronia & Petros Kounouklas, ‘Kynos’ pace to the Early Iron Age’ [61-76].
Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy, ‘From LH III C Late to the Early Iron Age: The Submycenaean period at Elateia’ [77-116].
Katie Demakopoulou, ‘Laconia in LH III C Late and Submycenaean: Evidence from Epidauros Limera, Pellana, the Amyklaion and other sites’ [117-132].
Birgitta Eder, ‘The Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age transition in western Greece: Submycenaean studies’ [133-149].
Elizabeth French, ‘Mycenae: LH III C Late: What little there is’ [151-161].
Walter Gauss, ‘The last Mycenaeans at Aigeira and their successors’ [163-182].
Reinhard Jung, Stelios Andreou & Bernhard Weninger, ‘Synchronisation of Kastanás and Thessaloníki Toumba at the end of the Bronze and the beginning of the Iron Age’ [183-202].
Bartłomiej Lis, ‘The sequence of Late Bronze / Early Iron Age pottery from central Greek settlements – a fresh look at old and new evidence’ [203-233].
Ioannis Moschos, ‘Western Achaea during the succeeding LH III C Late period – the final Mycenaean phase and the Submycenaean period’ [235-288].
Penelope A. Mountjoy, ‘LH III C Late: An east mainland – Aegean Koine’ [289-312].
Tobias Mühlenbruch, ‘Tiryns – The settlement and its history in LH III C’ [313-326].
Florian Ruppenstein, ‘The transitional phase from Submycenaean to Protogeometric: Definition and comperative chronology’ [327-343].
Philipp Stockhammer, ‘New evidence for LH III C late pottery from Tiryns’ [345-358].
Aleydis Van de Moortel, ‘The Late Helladic III C – Protogeometric transition at Mitrou, East Lokris’ [359-372]
Bernhard Weninger & Reinhard Jung, ‘Absolute chronology of the end of the Aegean Bronze Age’ [373-416].
Report on the final general discussion [417-421].
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