Orchomenos IV. Orchomenos in der mittleren Bronzezeit
Kalliope Sarri
![Orchomenos IV. Orchomenos in der mittleren Bronzezeit](https://www.aegeussociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Orchomenos_IV.jpg)
City: Munich
Year: 2010
Publisher: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Series: Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, Neue Folge 135
Description: Hardback, 479 p., 8 tables, 77 b/w plates, 7 colour plates, 51 charts, 12 plans, 30x21,5 cm
The book presents that part of the prehistoric settlement of Orchomenos in Boeotia which has remained unpublished until now, despite the recognition of its importance.
In the introductory section of the volume the research conducted thus far on the settlement and its natural surroundings is presented; the Copais region where the gradual exploitation of natural resources created the necessary means for the design of the major drainage works in the Mycenaean period.
The main aim of the publication is the analysis of the Middle Helladic pottery from Orchomenos, and its comparison to other more recent acquired data from other known sites of the Middle Bronze Age. Factors such as shape, local production and its individualized characteristics, imported categories, while quantitative comparisons of the different groups are also presented. Particular emphasis is given to the historiography of the study of Middle Helladic pottery and the development of the terminology of each type as well as the decorative styles of Mainland Greece. Through the use of the notebooks of the excavations in 1903, 1905 and 1929, there is an attempt to reconstruct the stratigraphy of the Middle Helladic settlement, while a different interpretation of the funerary complex is given.
The volume is written in German, but extensive summaries are provided in both English and Greek.
Editorische notiz [7]
Vorwort [8]
- Die Umwelt [11]
Zur Geographie von Böotien [11]
Die Kopaisebene und der Kopaissee [12]
Die Kopais in prähistorischer und historischer Zeit [13]
Klima und Vegetation [14]
Einfluß des Menschen auf die Umwelt [16]
Das Mittelhelladikum in Böotien [19]
- Der Fundort [23]
Zur Forschungsgeschichte [23]
Befund [33]
Mittelhelladische Hockergräber [45]
- Das Fundmaterial [55]
Die mittelhelladischen Keramikwaren. Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick [55]
Die mittelhelladischen Waren in Orchomenos [72]
Gefäßformen [84]
- Ergebnisse [197]
Der Siedlungscharakter [197]
Architektur [197]
Der Grabbefund [199]
Die mittelhelladische Keramik [201]
Das Formenrepertoire [201]
Keramikwaren [201]
Zur Chronologie [204]
Zur Entwicklung der mittelhelladischen Siedlung [206]
Summary [209]
Ελληνική περίληψη [217]
Tabellen [225]
Katalog und Tafeln der Keramik [235]
Abbildunge [411]
Statistik [419]
Luftbilder [447]
Karten [449]
Pläne [449]
Abgekürzt zitierte Zeitschriften und Reihen [463]
Literaturverzeichnis [465]
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