Palaikastro: Building 1
J. A. MacGillivray & L. H. Sackett

City: London
Year: 2019
Publisher: The British School at Athens
Series: The British School at Athens Supplement 48
Description: Hardback, 480 p., numerous b/w tables, numerous b/w and color figures, 22 x 30.3 cm
This book presents the publication of Building 1, the first building we excavated (in the years 1986-89) and surely once the finest in its day. It is not the first volume in the series, and indeed follows the publication of the partially excavated Building 2, and Block M/Building 6. In contrast to our prior final publications, work on Building 1 involved some severe complications, its poor preservation, the telescoping of stratigraphic sequences, the extraordinary information that could be extracted from beneath the levels of its Phase 1 floors, which needed reconsideration in the light of the evidence for the LM IA tsunami, and the unexpected scale and late expansion of its reoccupation periods, have all made the preparation of this study very time-consuming.
A short introductory account of the excavation as it developed is given at Chapter 1. Next come the architecture (Chapter 2); the Neopalatial building’s contexts and finds with the evidence for predecessors, construction phases and conflagrations (Chapter 3); the varied, long-lasting and very different phases of reoccupation in the LM II through LM IIIB periods (Chapter 4); followed by a sequence of specialist studies discussing and assessing a range of different artefact types, from the cultural to the natural (Chapters 5 to 12). We conclude with an interpretative synthesis — Blake’s ‘Why’ and ‘How’ — on the significance we attribute to Building 1 (Chapter 13).
List of Figures [x-xiv]
List of Tables and Charts [xiv]
List of Plans, Sections and Elevations [xv]
List of Plates [xvi-xviii]
General abbreviations, technical terms, symbols, measurements, glossary [xix-xx]
Palaikastro site periods with their approximate Cretan equivalents [xx]
Palaikastro pottery wares and styles outline [xxi-xxii]
Acknowledgements [xxiii]
Preface [xxv-xxvi]
Chapter 1. The excavation [1-4]
L. H. Sackett & J. A. MacGillivray
Chapter 2. The architecture [5-47]
J. M. Driessen
Chapter 3. Protopalatial and Neopalatial stratigraphy and contexts [49-136]
J. A. MacGillivray & L. H. Sackett
Chapter 4. Postpalatial stratigraphy and contexts [137-294]
T. F. Cunningham & L. H. Sackett
Chapter 5. The stone, terracotta, bone, ivory, faience and metal objects [295-336]
D. Evely with contributions by C. Doherty, O. H. Krzyszkowska & J. G. Younger
Chapter 6. The plaster [337-347]
P. Westlake
Chapter 7. The archaeobotanical remains [349-369]
A. Sarpaki
Chapter 8. The foraminifera [371-372]
J. Russell
Chapter 9. The fish remains [373-385]
D. Mylona
Chapter 10. The invertebrates [387-409]
D. S. Reese
Chapter 11. The carbon remains [411-424]
J. N. Bottema-Mac Gillavry
Chapter 12. The animal bones [425-434]
S. Wall-Crowther
Chapter 13. Synthesis: Ritual Space in Transition [435-442]
L. H. Sackett, T. F. Cunningham & J. A. MacGillivray
Appendix 1. Building 1 detailed context list [443-448]
Bibliography [449-460]
Index [461-480]
L. H. Sackett
P. Jerome
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