Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2007

15 January 2010

PHAROS. Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens Volume XV, 2007 [2009]

PHAROS. Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens Volume XV, 2007 [2009]

City: Athens

Year: 2007

Publisher: Netherlands Institute in Athens

Description: Paperback, 220 p., b/w ill., 24×17 cm


This is the fifteenth volume of the journal PHAROS published by the Netherlands Institute in Athens. The articles focus on work conducted in Greece by the Netherlands Institute in Athens and the Belgian School at Athens. Most of the articles of this volume are of prehistoric interest.


Christiane Tytgat, ‘Report on the activity of the Netherlands Institute in Athens in 2007’.

Yvonne Goester & Joop Derksen, ‘In memoriam Ko Feije’.

Joost Crouwel, Mieke Prent & D. Graham J. Shipley, ‘Geraki. An Acropolis Site in Lakonia. Preliminary report on the thirteenth season (2007)’ [1-16].

John Bintliff, Božidar Slapšak, Bart Noordervliet, Janneke van Zwienen & Joep Verweij, ‘The Leiden-Ljubljana Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project: summer 2007 – spring 2008’ [17-42].

Gert Jan van Wijngaarden, Andreas Sotiriou, Nienke Pieters, Katar Abed & Melek Tendürüs, ‘The Zakynthos Archaeology Project 2006. Preliminary report of the 2007 season’ [43-57].

Reinder Reinders, Lia Karimali, Wietske Prummel, Vaso Rondiri, Vasiliki Tzevelekidi & Mies Wijnen, ‘The Neolithic Site of Kamára in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessaly, Greece)’ [59-136].

Sofia Voutsaki, Anne Ingvarsson-Sundström & Michael Richards, ‘Project on the Middle Helladic Argolid: a report on the 2007 season’ [137-152].

Sofia Voutsaki, Kalliope Sarri, Oliver Dickinson, Sevi Triantaphyllou & Eleni Milka, ‘The Argos “Tumuli” Project: a report on the 2006 and 2007 seasons’ [153-192].

Yvonne Goester, Volker Grieb & Torsten Mattern, ‘Theisoa (Lavda): Vorbericht über die Kampagne 2007’ [193-203].

Report on the activity of the Belgian School at Athens

Christiane Tytgat, ‘The BSA-EBA 2002-2006: new perspectives’ [207-208].

Robert Laffineur & Roald Docter, ‘Thorikos (Attique -Attica)’ [209-213].

Christiane Tytgat, Alain De Wulf, Rudi Goossens, Marc Hennau & Daniël Van Damme, ‘Titane (Korinthia). The 2006 survey season’ [215-220].


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