ΣΤΕΓΑ: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete
Edited by Kevin T. Glowacki & Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan

City: Princeton
Year: 2011
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Series: Hesperia Supplement 44
Description: Paperback, 520 p., 252 coloured and b/w figures, 19 tables, 27,9x21,6 cm
Abstract (from the introduction)
This volume presents the papers of an international colloquium on the archaeology of houses and households in ancient Crete held in Ierapetra in May 2005. The name of the conference—and of the present volume—was inspired by the “Great Code” of Gortyn, where stega (literally, “roof”) is used to refer to the “house” both as a building and as an important element of a citizen’s “household.” Indeed, understanding the relationship between “house” as physical structure and “household” as social unit remains among the fundamental goals and challenges of household archaeology in any time period or geographical location. Although several recent conferences and publications have concentrated on the study of ancient houses and households in the Mediterranean, relatively little work has emphasized household analysis on a regional level. This volume therefore aims to contribute to the discussion of housing in ancient Greece by focusing on one geographical region through many different chronological periods.
In addition to the personal research interests of the editors of this volume, the clear-cut geographic boundaries, the manageable size, and the diachronic importance of the island were among the reasons that influenced the selection of Crete for a regional case study. Ancient Crete was home not only to one of the earliest state-level societies in the Aegean, it also gave rise to numerous independent city-states in later periods and, during the Roman empire, included examples of both colony and provincial capital. By bringing together scholars working in prehistoric as well as historical periods of Crete, the conference provided a forum in which to examine the potential of “household archaeology” for understanding the changing social dynamics of households and communities over long periods of time and in different political and economic environments.
The thirty-eight papers in this volume are presented, as far as possible, in chronological order, and they range from a discussion of household activities at Final Neolithic Phaistos to the domestic correlates of “globalization” during the early Roman empire. These studies demonstrate a variety of methodological approaches currently employed for understanding houses and household activities from archaeological remains: architectural analysis and reconstruction, artifact distribution and spatial patterning, ceramic analysis, organic residue analysis, faunal and botanical analysis, space syntax analysis, regional analysis, mortuary analysis, and iconography. The majority of the papers, in fact, have employed a multifaceted approach by examining both the architectural and artifactual assemblages while acknowledging the site formation (and excavation) processes that have affected the preservation of archaeological data. Approaches that incorporate documentary evidence also add valuable perspectives on the social and economic roles of houses, households, and family members that are not easily inferred from the archaeological record alone.
List of Illustrations [xi-xx]
List of Tables [xxi-xxii]
Chapter 1: Kevin T. Glowacki & Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, ‘Introduction: Approaches to the Study of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete’ [1-13]
Chapter 2: Serena Di Tonto, ‘Evidence for Domestic Activities in the Final Neolithic Period at Phaistos’ [15-25]
Chapter 3: John Atkinson, ‘A Small-Scale Reconstruction of the Settlement at Myrtos Phournou Koryphi’ [27-38]
Chapter 4: Gerald Cadogan, ‘Myrtos: From Phournou Koryphi to Pyrgos’ [39-49]
Chapter 5: Joanne M. Murphy, ‘Individual, Household, and Community after Death in Prepalatial and Protopalatial South-Central Crete’ [51-58]
Chapter 6: Valeria Lenuzza, “The Whole is a Freak”: A Reassessment of the Spatial Organization of the Oval House at Chamaizi, Siteia’ [59-70]
Chapter 7: Ilaria Caloi, ‘Middle Minoan IB Houses at Phaistos: Function and Relationship to the Community Palace [71-80]
Chapter 8: Luca Girella, ‘Bridging the Gap: The Function of Houses and Residential Neighborhoods in Middle Minoan III Phaistos’ [81-97]
Chapter 9: Isabelle Bradfer-Burdet & Maia Pomadere, ‘Δβ at Malia: Two Houses or One Large Complex?’ [99-108]
Chapter 10: Martin Schmid, ‘Spatial Analysis of House Δα at Malia’ [109-117]
Chapter 11: Nektaria Mavroudi, ‘Interpreting Domestic Space in Neopalatial Crete: A Few Thoughts on House II at Petras, Siteia’ [119-124]
Chapter 12: Eleni Mantzourani & Giorgos Vavouranakis, ‘The Minoan Villas in East Crete: Households or Seats of Authority? The Case of Prophitis Ilias Praisou’ [125-135]
Chapter 13: Leonidas Vokotopoulos, ‘A View of the Neopalatial Countryside: Settlement and Social Organization at Karoumes, Eastern Crete’ [137-149]
Chapter 14: Lefteris Platon, ‘Studying the Character of the Minoan “Household” within the Limits of the Neopalatial Settlement of Zakros’ [151-161]
Chapter 15: Jane F. Lloyd, ‘The South House at Knossos: More than a House?’ [163-175]
Chapter 16: Kostis S. Christakis & Giorgos Rethemiotakis, ‘Identifying Household Activities: The Case of House 2 at Galatas Pediada’ [177-184]
Chapter 17: Thomas M. Brogan & Kellee A. Barnard, ‘Household Archaeology at Mochlos: Statistical Recipes from the Late Minoan I Kitchen’ [185-198]
Chapter 18: L. Vance Watrous & Amy Heimroth, ‘Household Industries of Late Minoan IB Gournia and the Socioeconomic Status of the Town’ [199-212]
Chapter 19: Kostis S. Christakis, ‘Archaeological Deposit Formation Processes and the Study of the Domestic Sector of Late Minoan IB Society’ [213-217]
Chapter 20: Evi Sikla, ‘The Elusive Domestic Shrine in Neopalatial Crete: On the Archaeological Correlates of Domestic Religion’ [219-231]
Chapter 21: Louise A. Hitchcock, ‘Fluid and Flexible: Revisiting the Vernacular Tradition on Bronze Age Crete, Thera, and Cyprus’ [233-245]
Chapter 22: Eleni Hatzaki, ‘Defining “Domestic” Architecture and “Household” Assemblages in Late Bronze Age Knossos’ [247-262]
Chapter 23: Santo Privitera, ‘Looking for a Home in a Houseless Town: Exploring Domestic Architecture in Final Palatial Ayia Triada’ [263-272]
Chapter 24: Katerina Kopaka, ‘On Caves and Households in Bronze Age Crete: “Της Ουρανιάς το Φρούδι” Cave at Zakros’ [273-284]
Chapter 25: Jan Driessen & Hubert Fiasse, ‘ “Burning Down the House”: Defining the Household of Quartier Nu at Malia Using GIS’ [285-296]
Chapter 26: R. Angus K. Smith, ‘Pottery in Domestic and Mortuary Contexts at Late Minoan III Mochlos: The Case of the Missing Kylikes’ [297-306]
Chapter 27: Leslie Preston Day, ‘Household Assemblages in Late Minoan IIIC Crete: The Evidence from Karphi’ [307-321]
Chapter 28: Saro Wallace, ‘Tradition, Status Competition, and the Templates of Domestic and Special Buildings in Post-Collapse Crete’ [323-332]
Chapter 29: Metaxia Tsipopoulou, ‘Chalasmenos, Ierapetra: “Mycenaeanizing” or Not at the End of the Bronze Age’ [333-347]
Chapter 30: Krzysztof Nowicki, ‘When the House Becomes a Fortress’ [349-365]
Chapter 31: Donald C. Haggis & Margaret S. Mook, ‘The Archaic Houses at Azoria’ [367-380]
Chapter 32: Brice L. Erickson, ‘Public Feasts and Private Symposia in the Archaic and Classical Periods’ [381-391]
Chapter 33: Francesco Guizzi, ‘Houses in the Household I: Ownership and Use of Dwelling Places in Gortynian Inscriptions’ [393-399]
Chapter 34: Stefano Ferrucci, ‘Houses in the Household II: From Gortyn to Athens and Back’ [401-408]
Chapter 35: Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, ‘Domestic Assemblages from Trypitos, Siteia: Private and Communal Aspects’ [409-419]
Chapter 36: Chrysa Sofianou, ‘Loomweights: Use and Manufacture at Trypitos, Siteia’ [421-430]
Chapter 37: Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky, ‘All in the Family: Forming Social and Economic Networks on Roman Crete’ [431-440]
Chapter 38: Rebecca J. Sweetman, ‘Domus, Villa, and Farmstead: The Globalization of Crete’ [441-450]
References [451-485]
Index [487-497]
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