Albert J. Ammerman, Pavlos Flourentzos & Jay S. NollerReport of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2009 [2010]: 17-38.
The purpose of this article is to present the results of the excavation carried out at the prehistoric site of Pigi-Agios Andronikos in October of 2005. The excavation was undertaken as a joint venture by Pavlos Flourentzos, the then Director of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus) and Albert J. Ammerman of Colgate University (New York); its chief aim was to learn more about the stratigraphic sequence at the site.
Carole McCartney, Paul Croft, Sturt W. Manning & Sandra RosendahlReport of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2009 [2010]: 1-16.
The following preliminary report provides results from the fourth field season of the EENC (Elaborating Early Neolithic Cyprus) project, an international collaboration between the University of Cyprus and Cornell University. An outline of the EENC research goals, survey and excavation methodologies together with previous results are documented elsewhere (McCartney et al. 2006, 2007, 2008).
Louis GodartAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 191-207.
Since its discovery, the Phaistos Disc has been the object of thousands of attempts to decipher it, none of which is convincing. The author, having dealt for over 45 years with ancient Aegean scripts, has received over 300 proposals of interpretation of the text. Thus, we should ask the basic question: Is it possible to achieve a decipherment of the Phaistos Disc?
Elisabetta BorgnaAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 169-189.
Some aspects concerning the articulation of Mycenaean cult practices in relation to different social groups are considered. In particular, the problem of the wheel-made female figurines which played an important role in the sanctuaries of the Mycenaean citadels such as Mycenae, Tyrins, Phylakopi, is dealt with.
Rachele DubbiniAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 91-104.
Guido Libertini became Director of the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens in 1940, after the removal of Alessandro Della Seta for racial reasons, in a difficult moment because of the coolness of the Greek-Italian relations on the eve of the war between the two countries.
Vincenzo La RosaAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 79-90.
This is a small chapter in the one-hundred-year history of School, which is linked with the faltering steps at the beginning and which gives us food for thought of ‘political’ type. The newly-appointed director L. Pernier arrives in Athens in November 1909 and already between late 1909 and 1910 the Ambassador of Italy in Athens, Marquis Carlotti di Ripabella, who was particularly interested in archaeology, tried to cut him off from his Cretan root. Beyond his personal bent for archaeology, Marquis Carlotti was especially interested, for reasons of national pride and prestige, in ensuring that the newly-founded School, like its existing counterparts, was a field of activity in Greece (with which Crete had not yet been united). Between late April and early May, Pernier travelled together with the diplomat to northern Euboea, even though F. Halbherr (who had been informed of the venture) had tried to persuade him otherwise.
Stefania BeruttiAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 69-77.
The Italian School of Archaeology at Athens was born at a difficult moment both from the historical point of view of the Italian military participation in the Eastern Mediterranean and from the more specific political one of academic machinations and complicated bureaucracy. The fundamental stages of this genesis involved personalities who created the history of Italian archaeology and made an important contribution to the international discipline, such as Luigi Pernier, first Director of the School, who is linked in the archaeological bibliography with the Minoan palace of Phaistos, in Crete.
Catherine MorganAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 43-67.
The article examines the political and scientific importance of Federico Halbherr’s excavation at Knossos in October-November 1885. It is one of his first excavation, just a year after his arrival in Crete. His excavation that is often overlooked in the history of research at Knossos, lasted 10 days, during which Halbherr revealed significant Roman and Christian walls, parts of at least one peristyle domus, a mosaic with the representation of the four seasons, a basilica and a church.
Nicola LabancaAnnuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2010]: 17-40.
The article reviews the publications in the last two decades on this topic. Indeed, the perspectives and the proposals of a previous study phase have been radically renewed. The field is open to necessary new research, on the condition that old nationalistic schemes are overcome forms. The general historical contexts related to Italy and Greece between the 19th and the 20th century are examined, and the recent publications on archaeology in liberal Italy and during the fascist regime are discussed.
R. Jung & M. MehoferAegean Archaeology 8 (2005-2006) [2009]: 111-135.
In this paper we treat changes in weaponry and armament, which occurred in the Aegean and Levantine regions between the late 14th and the early 12th century BC. We aim at reconstructing these changes in a sequence as fine-phased as possible and try to identify the regions in which they originated. As a case study we use a sword of Naue II type found at Ugarit.
Stratos NanoglouIn S. Nanoglou & L. Meskell (eds), The Materiality of Representation, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 16.3 (September 2009): 184-204.
The present article tries to assess the ways that animal bodies were represented in the Neolithic of Northern Greece. Contending that representations always have a material presence (be they spoken, depicted or anything else), an attempt is made to sort out how the specificity of this presence constitutes a frame of reference for the deployment of social action. Animal representations seem to be particularly related with certain materials, especially clay, and certain objects, mostly clay vessels. It is suggested that these objects allow animals to be incorporated in social action in a very specific manner, one that is further defined by the contexts of their use.
Carolyn Nakamura & Lynn MeskellIn S. Nanoglou & L. Meskell (eds), The Materiality of Representation, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 16.3 (September 2009): 205-230.
This paper examines the materializing practices of bodies at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük. We focus on the clay and stone figurine corpus (over 1,800 total, with over 1,000 of those being diagnostic), but also consider other media such as wall paintings and sculptured features, as well as the skeletal evidence.
Stratos NanoglouIn S. Nanoglou & L. Meskell (eds), The Materiality of Representation, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 16.3 (September 2009): 157-161.
Issues of materiality are gaining ground in archaeology, although there are still conflicting views over the usefulness of the concept. Despite the controversy over the concept itself, all interlocutors converge in the need to focus on the material aspect of the world, on the material part of material culture. Historically, this could be seen as a counteraction to an overt emphasis upon the cultural as an intellectual construct that has dominated many recent attempts to reconstruct the past, but the move does not restrict itself to that. Accordingly, in this issue our understanding and use of the term is on the broadest level. It pertains to the “thingness” of things, to that aspect of things that gives them a material presence in the world.
C. Marangou & B. SternArchaeometry 51.3 (June 2009): 397-412.
Five fragments of Late Neolithic clay zoomorphic vessels from northern Greece have been analysed for organic residues by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. The results showed that the containers had been used in connection with a number of substances, in particular lower terpenoids, an oil or fat, possibly fossil fuel and in one case possibly beeswax
The Arthur Evans archive in the Department of Antiquities of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford contains 11 volumes of newspaper and journal cuttings which cover the years from roughly 1900 to 1930. Many of them refer to Evans’ work at Knossos or to other aspects of the Minoan civilization. It seems probable that Evans himself amassed most of these cuttings, which number well over a thousand, and kept them in a largely unsystematised state. Despite the number and range of these cuttings, they cannot be regarded as comprehensive.