Canan Çakirlar & Ralf Becks Studia Troica 18 (2009): 87-104.
This paper presents the archaeological evidence for murex dye production at Troia and assesses the size and character of this industry at the site, based on archaeomalacological data from old and new excavations. The amalgamated data is compared with related evidence from other Bronze Age sites in the Mediterranean basin and considered in view of the requirements of a traditional murex dye industry. Present evidence shows that the production of purple dye at the settlement began already during the Troia VIa phase and continued until Troia VIIa. Hexaplex trunculus was the chief species used as raw material. We suggest that this major industry, indicated by the scale of accumulated crushed H. trunculus remains in the archaeological deposits, is linked to the flourishing textile industry at the site, both tied to the increasing Minoan influence in the Middle Bronze Age Aegean.
The subject matter of this paper is shellfish gathering activity at Troia; what was gathered, how and where; what the role of shellfish gathering was in the economy and diet of the settlement, how this role changed through time, and why. A great resource of over 54,000 archaeomalacological specimens is available to answer these questions. This is the largest archaeomalacological assemblage from the Aegean. All quantitative evidence derives from the results of the new excavations at Troia through the 2005 season.
Peter Jablonka & Ernst PernickaStudia Troica 18 (2009): 3-32.
According to the original plan for the years 2006 to 2009, the summer 2008 was supposed to be devoted to a study season. However, since it was not possible to locate the further course of the Troia VI defensive ditch in the east of the Lower City, excavation work continued in 2008 and the aim striven for was finally achieved. The results of both excavation seasons are represented in this report.
Frederik M. J. WaandersPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 225-232.
The chronological position of the Mycenaean dialect in between Proto-Greek and Classical Greek allows us to entertain some ideas about Mycenaean accentuation. In this paper, a selection of accentual topics will be dealt with: the limitation rule, the phonetic properties of short final diphthongs, the results of Proto-Greek contractions, the properispomenon rule, the accentuation of verbal forms, the recessive accentuation of some classes of substantive nouns, the accentuation of monosyllabic stem forms (3rd declension), and Wheeler’s law.
Serguey SharypkinPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 215-224.
The article concerns the problem of the suitability of Linear B for rendering the Greek language. Firstly, the author provides a short historical survey of the issue, emphasizing the fact that the history of mycenology can sometimes be instructive for the investigation of certain mycenological problems. Subsequently, the question of how the Mycenaean scribes could read and understand Greek words written using polyvalent syllabic signs is addressed.
Anna SacconiPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 209-214.
In questo lavoro mi propongo di riesaminare le tavolette della serie Sh di Pilo, e in particolare l’ideogramma *163 = ARM che in esse appare, e di precisarne la finalità amministrativa.
Jean-Pierre OlivierPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 187-197.
Ce “Rapport 1996-2000…”, jusqu’à présent inédit, vient s’insérer entre le “Rapport 1991-1995…”, paru dans les Floreant Studia Mycenaea (1999, p. 419-435) et le “Rapport 2001-2005…”, publié dans le Colloquium Romanum (2008, p. 199-222). Il aurait dû voir le jour, il y a au moins quatre ans, dans un Austin Colloquium, toujours en gésine (février 2009). Il essaie de rendre compte de la situation des éditions des textes syllabiques crétois entre le colloque de 1995 et celui de 2000. Sa non-parution constituait un handicap pour les mycénologues (certains textes ne sont publiés – en transnumération – qu’ici), mais surtout en aurait été un pour les historiens de la discipline.
Cecilia NobiliPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 171-185.
In the last few years some interesting studies have been devoted at analyzing the connections between the Odyssey and local traditions, with particular interest on the traditions rooted in the northern areas of Epirus and Acarnania. But the archaeological evidence has now demonstrated that Ithaca and the Ionian Islands, from the Mycenean epoch to the dark age, had strong relationships with the western Peloponnesian regions, such as Elis and Messenia.
Sabina MitranoPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 155-170.
This study analyzes the material evidence concerning the “second phase” of Mycenaean occupation of Crete, the period following the fall of the Mycenaean Palace of Knossos in LM IIIA2 and continuing until LM IIIB period, in which the dynamics of evolution, on the one hand, appear to continue the line of development begun with the arrival of Mycenaean in LM II, on the other, show some changes of considerable importance.
Massimiliano MarazziPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 121-154.
Seguendo una linea in parte già tracciata in occasione del XII Colloquio Internazionale di Micenologia (Marazzi 2008), si intende in questa sede fornire un organico aggiornamento (al maggio 2009) del patrimonio documentario miceneo, articolandolo secondo i seguenti punti: a) prefissi e sigle alla luce delle nuove scoperte e dei riordini; b) stato dell’organizzazione, delle edizioni e degli studi particolari dei documenti su supporti archiviari; c) quadro riassuntivo area per area e sito per sito.
Nikolai N. KazanskyPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 117-120.
The comparison of Mycenaean economic texts with the Homeric description of the cattle permits us to see the lexical continuity in the history of the Greek language of the 2nd and 1st millennium BC. The archaic forms of words and some coincidences in use with the Mycenaean documents are striking. It seems to me probable that the Homeric passage on the herds of Helios may go back to the Mycenaean age.
Louis GodartPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 99-115.
Sulla base di nuove fotografie realizzate al Museo Nazionale di Atene e dei disegni che ho potuto confezionare su ingrandimenti delle stesse a scala 2:1 sono in grado di avanzare una spiegazione totalmente diversa della redazione del testo di Tn 316 recto e verso. Inoltre, come potremo vedere, la revisione sistematica della tavoletta mi ha permesso di approfondire la lettura largamente incerta del rigo .3 del verso del documento.
Valentina GasbarraPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 91-98.
Composition is one of the most important linguistic available process to create new words. Composition has been viewed in current linguistic works as the process of linking together two existing stems from the lexicon of a language to form a new one, more complex, which has the potential to enter the lexicon as a stable morphological unit. In ancient Greek, nominal composition plays an important role, which is documented by the variety of productive compositional types and by the frequency of compound words in the texts.
Markus EgetmeyerPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 69-90.
First is treated the problem of the establishment of the small corpus of non-Greek inscriptions on Cyprus, followed by remarks on the syllabary variant used to write them. The linguistic interpretation of the Eteocypriote inscriptions is dealt with only as far as is necessary to assess the new proposals, and finally a hypothesis is added to the question causing the most concern, the late date of the most important group of these inscriptions.
Maurizio Del FreoPasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 41-67.
The Linear B texts from Thebes contain several geographical terms. Many of these have been gathered, analysed and briefly commented upon in 2001 by V. Aravantinos, L. Godart and A. Sacconi in their editio princeps of the Pelopidou Street tablets.