Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


Wood charcoal analysis at Klissoura Cave 1 (Prosymna, Peloponnese): the Upper Palaeolithic vegetation

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 47-69.

Excavations at Klissoura Cave 1 revealed a long chrono-cultural sequence of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic deposits. Wood charcoal samples from the Upper Palaeolithic layers and hearths were analyzed aiming to approach the late Middle Pleniglacial and Lateglacial vegetation of the area under study and to reveal aspects of the use of firewood by the inhabitants of the cave.

Radiocarbon dating results for the Early Upper Paleolithic of Klissoura Cave 1

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 37-46.

This chapter reports on 29 radiocarbon dates from Middle and Upper Paleolithic layers at Klissoura 1 Cave. All but two of the dates were obtained from material identified as wood charcoal. Both standard ABA and more stringent ABOX pre-treatment protocols were used for charcoal samples. The radiocarbon dates from the Aurignacian of layers Ille-g and IV show general stratigraphic consistency, and fit with published ages from other Aurignacian assemblages in the Balkans.

Geology, stratigraphy, and site formation processes of the Upper Palaeolithic and later sequence in Klissoura Cave 1

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 15-36.

Klissoura Cave 1 is located in the northeastern edge of the Argive Plain, Peloponnese, at the entrance of the Berbadiotis river gorge. The cave comprises a collapsed cave chamber and a rockshelter area. The stratigraphic analysis and micromorphological study of the sediments elucidated the main processes involved in the formation of the site and its depositional history.

Klissoura cave 1, Argolid, Greece. Introduction: History of the excavations

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 5-14.

The excavation at Klissoura was planned in 1992, as a joint-project between the Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology of the Ministry of Culture of Greece and the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland. Our primary goal was to investigate the circumstances under which the neolithisation of NW Peloponnese came about.

Μυκηναϊκό νεκροταφείο Μιτόπολης Αχαΐας (Mycenaean Cemetery of Mitopolis in Achaia)


Μυκηναϊκό νεκροταφείο Μιτόπολης Αχαΐας (Mycenaean Cemetery of Mitopolis in Achaia) Τhe Mycenaean cemetery of Mitopolis was discovered by N. Kyparissis in 1927 at the lower banks of the Mitopolianiko mountain, known also as Kompovouni. The cemetery is located at the mid-space between two settlements and most probably closer to the small settlement of Komi, which with that of Mitopolis, which is bigger, composes the homonym village, under the Municipality of Olenia.

Prehistoric Pottery from Lofkënd, Albania: From Bronze to Iron Age in the Balkans

Aegeo-Balkan Prehistory, online article, 17 February 2010

The Lofkënd burial tumulus in the Mallakaster region of Albania was jointly excavated by a team from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (CIOA) at UCLA and the Albanian Institute of Archaeology in Tiranë over four seasons (2004-2007), with a fifth season (2008) devoted to study.

Review of the website: Kommos Excavation

CSA Newsletter, September 2010, Issue-volume XXIII, No. 2

Vianello, A., 2010. Review of the website ‘Kommos Excavation, Crete Combining publication media to achieve better results’, CSA Newsletter, September 2010, Issue-volume XXIII, No. 2.

Read the review

Nomi Micenei in -QO-RO

Pasiphae IV (2010): 195-197.

Ènoto che -qo-ro corrisponde a –πολος dalla radice indoeuropea *q*ol- che présenta l’apofonia qualitativa di *qwel-, cfr. πέλομαι (v. DELG, s. v.). Ι composti nominali in - πολος sono molto numerosi. Il problema è stato analizzato da vari studiosi.

Il valore del segno metrico *112 = T a Tebe e a Pilo

Pasiphae IV (2010): 135-194.

La tavoletta TH Ft 140 présenta una somma da cui risulta che il sottomultiplo t del sistema / délie misure di capacità per arïdi ha il valore, rispetto all’unità di misura, di 1/12 e non di 1/10 come precedentemente definito in base a dati statistici.

Pasiphae vol. IV


Pasiphae vol. IV The fourth volume of the journal Pasiphae is divided in two parts. The first part presents the results of the international conference “Riflessioni sulla cronologia egea alla luce delle recenti scoperte di Santorini”, that took place in Milan on 27-28 April 2009.

Kavkania: Le mot de la fin

Pasiphae IV (2010): 117-134.

La publication de la fouille de Kavkania et de l’inscription en linéaire B qu’elle a livrée a suscité une mauvaise querelle alimentée par un pseudo-mycénologue qui eût été mieux inspiré en publiant les actes d’un colloque qu’il avait organisé en 2000 à Austin (Texas) -et qui ne verront jamais le jour- ou encore en menant à terme la publication du corpus des inscriptions en linéaire B de Pylos qu’il s’était engagé à réaliser.

Miceneo a-nu-to

Pasiphae IV (2010): 113-115.

Il lessema a-nu~to ricorre nelle seguenti tavolette: KN X 658 v., As 1516.12; TH Z 863, 864, 865, A[961]; TH Fq 132.2,198.5, 236.2, 240.9, 241.9, 244.1, 254[+], 276.9; a-nu-to-jo è invece attestato in KN X 697.2. Viene considerato unanimemente un antroponimo.