Edited by Kim Duistermaat & Ilona RegulskiLeuven 2011
The conference Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean (ICAM) was organised in 2008 by the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo. While Mediterranean contacts in archaeology are a popular topic in Europe, it was the first time this theme was addressed in Egypt.
Ο θεσμός των Κρητολογικών Συνεδρίων έχει πια ενηλικιωθεί. Συμπληρώθηκε ήδη μισός αιώνας αδιάκοπης λειτουργίας του, που τον ανέδειξε σε πεδίο δημιουργικής συνάντησης των απανταχού γης ειδικών επιστημόνων ασχολούμενων με την έρευνα και μελέτη της ιστορίας και του πολιτισμού της Μεγαλονήσου.
Sono passati fino ad oggi 105 anni da quando, nel 1906, "per la prima volta il trico-lore italiano e stato alzato sulla Patela di Priniàs", come annotava sul suo taccuino Luigi Pernier non senza un fondo di facile nazionalismo, che allora però, in un momento nel quale l'Italia cercava di guadagnare un suo posto nel contesto internazionale, era storicamente giustificabile.
Edited by Jean Guilaine, François Briois & Jean-Denis VigneAthens/Paris2011
Shillourokambos est l΄un des plus anciens sites néolithiques de l΄île de Chypre. Il a été fondé vers 8500 avant notre ère et occupé peu ou prou sans interruption jusqu΄aux alentours de -7000. Consacré au secteur 1 de la localité, cet ouvrage en décrit les divers aménagements, pour la plupart attribuables aux plus anciennes phases d΄occupation, ainsi que des matériaux archéologiques et fauniques correspondants.
Figurine material included in this Corpus follows the typological presentation of the first two volumes entitled respectively Figurines of Neolithic Thessaly I and II: it is distinguished in two main categories, heads and bodies (male, female or parts of them) each one of them comprising naturalistic and schematic figurines (according to their prevailing features) with easily discernible subcategories.
The precious and abundant material of this volume includes 407 figurines, of which 119 are classified as heads and 288 as bodies, including 11 items representing only parts of human body, as for instance a leg, a nose or a foot. It is presented (as in the first volume) with emphasis to its modelling and form.
Individuals (or atoms), those that cannot be divided any further, are the building blocks of the world as we conceive it. Both words refer to what cannot be divided and usually denote the bricks and mortar of the social or material worlds respectively. Their study has fascinated many since the dawn of philosophy.
The publication of the Proceedings of the IVth Cyprological Congress was divided into two parts. In the first one were included all papers which were written in Greek, while all papers written in other languages were included in the second one. In both cases the papers were put in alphabetical order according to the family name of the writer, and not with reference to their period or content.
Gary Beckman, Trevor Bryce & Eric H. ClineAtlanta2011
Twenty-six texts found in the Hittite capital of Hattusa dating from the fifteenth–thirteenth centuries B.C.E. contain references to a land known as “Ahhiyawa,” which most scholars now identify with the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean world. The subject of continuing study and controversy since they were first published in 1924...
Edited by Erik Hallager & Birgitta P. HallagerStockholm2011
This volume is the fourth in a series of seven presenting the results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations during the years 1970-1987 and 2001 in the Agia Aikaterini Square, Kastelli Khania. The excavations which are situated close to the harbour of the modern town of Khania, western Crete were under the direction of Dr Yannis Tzedakis and Professor Carl-Gustaf Styrenius.
Edited by Berit Wells† & Michael LindblomStockholm2011
This study presents the results of a small but intensive surface survey conducted on the Mastos Hill in the Berbati Valley in 1999. While remains from the Early and Late Helladic period were known from previous excavations on its southern and eastern slopes, this is the first analysis of the entire hill. It includes a digital documentation of the local topography as well as an account of the archaeological remains retrieved in the field.
Edited by Fillipo Carinci, Nicola Cucuzza, Pietro Militello & Orazio PalioPadova2011
Vincenzo La Rosa rientra nel novero di quelle rare figure di studioso in grado di associare una pluralità di interessi con una eccezionale capacità di attrarre energie e intelligenze per «fare Scuola», per trasmettere a chi sta vicino la passione per la ricerca, il rigore del metodo e l’acribia della domanda.
Since 2007, the Belgian School at Athens has undertaken excavations on the Kefali or Buffo hill, east of the village of Sissi, on the north coast of Crete where a Minoan site was occupied approximately between 2500 and 1200 BC.
The new volume Helike IV was recently published by the Helike Society, edited by the Society President Prof. Dora Katsonopoulou. In the new volume, under the specific title PROTOHELLADIKA- The Southern and Central Greek Mainland, are included 18 papers of well known Greek and foreign scholars regarding results of studies and research in Ancient Helike and other Early Helladic sites of the southern and central Greece.
Ce livre rend hommage à l’action pionnière de Christian Zervos, l’un des premiers à considérer les antiquités des Cyclades comme de véritables œuvres d’art, sources d’inspiration pour les artistes contemporains, à qui il ouvrait les pages des Cahiers d’art.