Thomas, E.
Thomas, E., 2013. Review of L. Rahmstorf, Kleinfunde aus Tiryns. Terrakota, Stein, Bein und Glas/Fayence vorhnehmlich aus der Spätbronzezeit (Wiesbaden 2008), Gnomon 7: 621-624.
Melmann, K.
Melmann, K., 2013. Review of J. Gottschall, The Rape of Troy. Evolution, Violence, and the World of Homer (Cambridge 2008), Gnomon 85.1: 1-6.
Webb, M.J.
Ancient West and East
Webb, M. J., 2013. Review of T. Kiely, (ed), Ancient Cyprus in the British Museum (London 2009), Ancient West and East 12: 400-402.
Webb, M.J.
Ancient West and East
Webb, M. J., 2013. Review of D. Michaelides, V. Kassianidou & R.S. Merrillees (eds), Egypt and Cyprus in Antiquity. Proceedings of an International Conference, Nicosia, 3-6 Apris 2003 (Oxford/Oakille 2009), Ancient West and East 12: 426-428.
Hänsel, A.
Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica
Hänsel, A., 2013. Review of T. Guttandin, D. Panagiotopoulos, H. Pflug & G. Plath, Inseln der Winde. Die maritime Kultur der bronzezeitlichen Ägäis (Heidelberg 2011), Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 45: 313-315.
Siegeris, M.
European Journal of Archaeology
Siegeris, M., 2013. Review of E.A.A. Garcea (ed.), South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago (Oxford and Oakville 2010), European Journal of Archaeology 16.1 (2013): 184-188.
Haggis, D.C.
Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 261-262
Haggis, D.C., 2013. Review of S. Wallace, Ancient Crete: from Successful Collapse to Democracy’s Alternatives, Twelfth to Fifth Centuries B.C. (Cambridge 2010), Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 261-262.
Legarra Herrero, B.
Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 258-261
Legarra Herrero, B., 2013. Review of C. Knappett, An Archaeology of Interaction: Network Perspectives on Material Culture and Society (Oxford 2011) & P. van Dommelen and A.B. Knapp (eds), Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality, and Mediterranean Identities (London 2010), Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 258-261.
Haysom, M.
Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 256-257
Haysom, M., 2013. Review of E.H. Cline (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (Oxford 2010), Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 256-257.
Schallin, A.-L.
Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 255-256.
Schallin, A.-L., 2013. Review of W. Gauss & E. Kiriatzi, Pottery Production and Supply at Bronze Age Kolonna, Aegina. An Integrated Archaeological and Scientific Study of a Ceramic Landscape (Vienna 2011), Journal of Hellenic Studies 133, 255-256.
Pomey, P.
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
Pomey, P., 2013. Review of S. Wachsmann, The Gurob Ship-cart Model and its Mediterranean Context (College Station 2013), International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42:2 (September 2013), 441-442.
Haggis, D.C.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Haggis, D.C., 2013. Review of S. Wallace, Ancient Crete: from Successful Collapse to Democracy’s Alternatives, Twelfth to Fifth Centuries BC (Cambridge 2010), The Journal of Hellenic Studies 133 (January 2013), 261-262.
Legarra Herrero, B.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Legarra Herrero, B., 2013. Reviews of C. Knappett, An Archaeology of Interaction: Network Perspectives on Material Culture and Society (Oxford 2011), and P. van Dommelen & A.B. Knapp (eds), Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality, and Mediterranean Identities (London 2010), The Journal of Hellenic Studies 133 (January 2013), 258-261.
Thonemann, P.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Thonemann, P., 2013. Review of N. Mac Sweeney, Community Identity and Archaeology. Dynamic Communities at Aphrodisias and Beycesultan (Ann Arbor 2011), The Journal of Hellenic Studies 133 (January 2013), 257-258.
Haysom, M.
The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Haysom, M., 2013. Review of E.H. Cline (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (Oxford 2010), The Journal of Hellenic Studies 133 (January 2013), 256-257.