Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2013

The Settlement and Architecture of Lerna IV

Princeton 2013

The Settlement and Architecture of Lerna IV In 1995 Jeremy B. Rutter presented the pottery of the Fourth Settlement at Lerna in Lerna III: The Pottery of Lerna IV. The present volume is the companion to the Rutter volume, outlining the architectural sequence of the EH III period at the site withdescriptions of the major building types and other features, such as hearths, ovens, and bothroi.

‘Šrdn from the Sea’: The Arrival, Integration, and Acculturation of a ‘Sea People’

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 5:1 (March 2013): 14-27.

Despite a broad temporal presence in Egyptian records, the association of the Sherden with another ‘Sea Peoples’ group – the better known and archaeologically-attested Philistines – has led to several assumptions about this people, their culture, and the role they played in the various societies of which they may have been a part.

Υλικός πολιτισμός. Η ανθρωπολογία στη χώρα των πραγμάτων (Material Culture. Anthropology in the Land of Things)


Υλικός πολιτισμός. Η ανθρωπολογία στη χώρα των πραγμάτων (Material Culture. Anthropology in the Land of Things) Είναι ο υλικός κόσμος "επιφανειακός", "εφήμερος", και ως εκ τούτου καταδικασμένος να συγκαλύπτει και να συσκοτίζει ό,τι θεωρείται "ουσιαστικό", "αληθινό" και "αιώνιο"; Είναι άψυχος" και "παθητικός", στον αντίποδα της οντότητας του "ανθρώπου", που είναι "ζωντανός" και "ενεργητικός"; Τότε, πώς μπορεί ένα έργο τέχνης να "δρα": να καθηλώνει, να συγκινεί, να προκαλεί συναισθήματα στο θεατή του;

Το Ιδαίο Αντρο. Ιερό και μαντείο (3 volumes)


Το Ιδαίο Αντρο. Ιερό και μαντείο (3 volumes) Δεν μπορεί να είναι συνηθισμένος ο πρόλογος για μια κρητική σπηλιά, αν αυτή είναι «the most important cave sanctuary in iron age Crete» κατά τον Sir John Boardman, μια σπηλιά που χρησιμοποιήθηκε συνεχώς για 5.000 περίπου χρόνια, από την Ύστερη Νεολιθική εποχή μέχρι σήμερα.

East meets West: the Middle Pleistocene site of Rodafnidia on Lesvos, Greece

Antiquity 87:336 (June 2013): Project Gallery.

This paper introduces a new inter-disciplinary and international research project focused on the Palaeolithic site of Rodafnidia on the Greek island of Lesvos, located in the north-eastern Aegean Sea. Rodafnidia, near the village of Lisvori, is less than a kilometre away from the south-western shore of the large Kalloni Gulf.

A European population in Minoan Bronze Age Crete

Nature Communications 4, 14 May 2013

The first advanced Bronze Age civilization of Europe was established by the Minoans about 5,000 years before present. Since Sir Arthur Evans exposed the Minoan civic centre of Knossos, archaeologists have speculated on the origin of the founders of the civilization.

Review of LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences. Acts of a workshop held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007

Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Girella, L., 2013. Online review of Thomas M. Brogan & Erik Hallager (eds), LM IB Pottery: Relative Chronology and Regional Differences. Acts of a workshop held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007 (Athens, 2011), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.05.08

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The lowest levels at Dikili Tash, northern Greece: a missing link in the Early Neolithic of Europe

Antiquity 87:335 (March 2013): 30-45.

Tells famously capture the historical sequences of the earliest farmers—but digging them is not easy. With a depth of strata of 17m at Dikili Tash, the earliest occupation was out of reach of a trench.

Review of Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

American Journal of Archaeology

Nakassis, D., 2013. Online review of Walter Gauß, Michael Lindblom, R. Angus K. Smith & James C. Wright (eds), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Oxford, 2011), American Journal of Archaeology 117.2 (April 2013).

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Modelling long-term social change in the landscape: case studies from Greece

in Georg Kalaitzoglou & Gundula Lüdorf (eds), 2013. PETASOS, Festschrift für Hans Lohmann (Padeborn: Wilhelm Fink & Ferdinand Schöningh): 111-118.

Hans Lohmann has been an immense inspiration for everyone who wishes to reconstruct the ancient landscapes of Greece and Turkey, with his pioneering explorations of rural Attica and the country hinterland of ancient Miletus.