Andrew M. T. Moore & Douglas J. KennettA.J. Ammerman & T. Davis (eds), Island Archaeology and the Origins of Seafaring in the Eastern Mediterranean, Eurasian Prehistory 10 (1-2) (2013): 57-66
The Younger Dryas was a major environmental event in the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene. The onset of this 1,200 year episode of cold, dry climate ca. 12,900 cal BP was sudden and swift.
Since the “Renaissance“ of Minoan civilization within the initial 20th century the reception and consumption of the so-called Minoan culture has become pervasive in every corner of Crete.
Louise SteelJournal of Mediterranean Archaeology 26.1 (2013), 27-50
The Vounous Bowl occupies a privileged position in discussions of prehistoric representations on Cyprus. It has most commonly been viewed as a sacred scene, or a religious ceremony conducted within a rural sanctuary, and several commentators have emphasized the funerary connotations of the scene, perhaps depicting idealized funerary ritual or an ancestor cult.
Michael GivenJournal of Mediterranean Archaeology 26.1 (2013), 3-26
Over the last three decades, Mediterranean survey projects have established a broadly agreed methodology, a wide awareness of the invaluable contribution made by intensive survey, and a wealth of data from across the region. Where they have made less progress is in the interpretation of artefact density figures and other findings to go beyond the dots on the map and gain insights into past human lives, the complexity of past landscapes, and the relationship between people and the environment.
Στα πρώτα δύο κεφάλαια της Ιστορίας της Νήσου Λευκάδος (τ. Α', Αθήνα, Εταιρεία Λευκαδικών Μελετών, 1980) παρακολουθήσαμε σύντομα τη γεωλογική ιστορία της Λευκάδος και μιλήσαμε και για τα εργαλειακά κατάλοιπα του μεσολιθικού ανθρώπου στο νησί γύρω στα 40.000 χρόνια πριν από την εποχή μας. Κατά την περίοδο αυτή -τέλος της Πλειστοκαίνου, αρχές της Ολοκαίνου (Βούρμιος περίοδος) έως γύρω στα 10.000 χρόνια πίσω-
The Indo-Europeanization of Greece was a long-term process, which, in my opinion, entailed at least three distinct phases, covering the period from c. 3100 BC to c. 1600 BC. The third and last phase consists of the arrival c. 1600 BC of the founding fathers of the royal houses and ethnic identities considered as truly Greek.
Jon Henderson, Oscar Pizarro, Matthew Johnson-Roberson & Ian MahonInternational Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42:2 (September 2013), 243-256
Creating photo-mosaics and plans of submerged archaeological sites quickly, cost-effectively and, most importantly, to a high level of geometric accuracy remains a huge challenge in underwater archaeology.
Samuel MarkInternational Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42:2 (September 2013), 270-285
Recently published reliefs from the causeway of Sahure and a review of contemporary iconography and archaeological data shed new light on a variety of features of Old Kingdom royal sailing boats and equipment, such as quarter rudders, rigging, signalling devices, decorations and crew.
Ehud Galili, Noel Gale & Baruch RosenInternational Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42:1 (March 2013), 2-23
A 13th-century-BC shipwreck site, Hishuley Carmel, is described and discussed. It provides direct evidence for marine transport of copper and tin along the Israeli coast and may indicate inland and maritime trade-routes of metals in the Mediterranean.
Vincenzo La RosaCreta Antica 13 (2012) [2013], 159-189
In this paper it is argued that the rectangular stepped platform recently excavated within a room of the Casa delle sfere fìttili, in the southern sector of the settlement at Ayia Triada, is an altar. The structure is dated on stratigraphic grounds to the LM II period (as is the nearby room, A/1) and is interpreted as part of a cult of the ruins that, following the LM IB destruction, assisted in the construction of social and cultural identities.
In 1909, fragments of decorated wall plaster from Phaistos were brought to the Archaeological Museum of Florence, thanks to Luigi Pernier. They partially show decorative patterns, which are common in Crete, but some of them represent exclusive motifs unknown until now in the palace of Phaistos.
Pietro MilitelloCreta Antica 13 (2012) [2013], 109-138
This article presents a review of surviving fixed installations in the two nearby sites of Phaistos and Ayia Triada from MM I to LM IB, in order to clarify some issues concerning centralization (physical concentration of activities in proximity to a central place) or decentralization (dislocation of activities in the territory, controlled via officials) of production in Minoan palatial Crete.
Alexandra Karetsou & Iro MathioudakiCreta Antica 13 (2012) [2013], 83-107
The building complex at Alonaki is investigated here, and patterns of pottery production and consumption in particular, due to the belief that an overview of the pottery and architecture sheds light on the role that Alonaki played in the Middle Minoan III period.
As well as devising these new categories, this paper was attentive to the use of religiously laden terms such as the nouns ‘deities’ and ‘adorants’ or the epithet ‘cultic’. It was argued that such terms can only be employed following careful considerations of each artefact’s material and contextual situation alongside its visual appearance.