Maria Argyrou-BrandPrähistorische Zeitschrift 89.1 (2014): 116-132
An approach to the problematic of the relations between Crete and Cyclades and more specifically Akrotiri on Thera succeeds by presenting different research areas of the aegean archaeology as well as by their positioning with respect to the relevant questions. Current archaeological contexts in the aegean settlements allow thereby the observation of a common economical space in the Aegean during LM IA.
Pietro MilitelloAnnuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente XCII, Serie III.14 (2014) [2016]: 155-165
In 2013 a new fragment of linear A tablet (PH 54) was found in the Complesso NE of Phaistos, Vano XL/101, area 1 (Western ‘cist’) from where also the linear A tablet PH 1 and the Phaistos Disk came.