Edited by Christo Thanos & Wout ArentzenLeiden2014
In this second part of The Schliemann Diaries we follow Heinrich Schliemann (the famous 19th century archaeologist, trader and traveller) through his diary on his second journey: his travels to America from December 1850 to March 1853. The original diary was written in English and for a small part in Spanish. This publication is a transcription and translation of Schliemann’s travel diary.
The pottery and figurines from the Mycenaean cemeteries at Kolonaki, Hagia Anna, Ismenion and Elektrae Gates in Thebes were first published by the excavator A. Keramopoullos in the AE 49 (1910) and AD 3 (1917) in association with the chamber tombs and also in context with the other tomb deposits.
Naxos, the largest Cycladic island, holds an important place in the history of research into the Early Cycladic civilization, as indicated by the large number of EC settlement and cemetery sites recorded. The bay of Panormos on the south-east coast of Naxos, is one of the safest natural harbors of the island offering protection, from the strong northerly winds. The importance of the area of Panormos during the EBA is revealed by a substantial number of EC I and EC II artifacts, made of clay, marble and copper, stored nowadays in the Apeiranthos Museum.
O Σπυρίδων Κ. Μαρινάτος, Προϊστάμενος, Γενικός Επιθεωρητής της Αρχαιολογικής Υπηρεσίας, καθηγητής τον Πανεπιστημίου και ακαδημαϊκός, έγινε παγκοσμίως γνωστός χάρη στην ανασκαφή του Ακρωτηρίου στην Θήρα, την οποία επισκέπτονται κάθε χρόνο οι μυριάδες των περιηγητών που έρχονται στην Ελλάδα.
Edited by Yannis Galanakis, Toby Wilkinson & John BennetOxford2014
Over her career Susan Sherratt has questioned our basic assumptions in many areas of the later prehistory of the Mediterranean and Europe, deploying a canny eye for detail, but never losing sight of the big picture. Her collected works include contributions on the relationship between Homeric epic and archaeology; the economy of ceramics, metals and other materials; the status of the ‘Sea Peoples’ and other ethnic terminologies; routes and different forms of interaction; and the history of museums/collecting (especially relating to Sir Arthur Evans).
The volume presents a full report on excavations undertaken in 2010 and 2011 by Vassos Karageorghis and Athanasia Kanta at the 13th BC fortified settlement of Pyla-Kokkinokremos in the Larnaca Bay area of southern Cyprus; and an additional brief report on the 2012 excavations which uncovered two extremely important Cypro-Minoan clay tablets.
Έχει ήδη περάσει περισσότερο από χρόνος χωρίς το Σπύρο Ιακωβίδη († 16 Ιουνίου 2013). Για να τιμηθεί η μνήμη του πολύτιμου εταίρου του αφιερώθηκε δημόσια συνεδρία κατά την οποία μίλησαν για τη ζωή και το έργο του φίλοι και συνεργάτες. Η συνεδρία έγινε στις 23 Μαΐου.
Edited by Andrew M.T. Creekmore III & Kevin D. FisherNew York2014
This volume investigates how the structure and use of space developed and changed in cities, and examines the role of different societal groups in shaping urbanism. Culturally and chronologically diverse case studies provide a basis to examine recent theoretical and methodological shifts in the archaeology of ancient cities.
Inscribed Minoan stone vessels are ritual gifts that index their dedicants’ intention that both their gift and their name should survive permanently at the place of dedication. These vessels contained offerings, yet the vessels themselves were also offerings, serving as permanent records of a ritual act. These rituals were most likely communal, incorporating group feasting and drinking.
The archaeological remains of Pre- and Protopalatial (Early Minoan I to Middle Minoan IIB) Crete include a large number of tombs and cemeteries dating to the third and second millennium B.C.E. These periods constitute a distinct cycle in terms of mortuary customs that was clearly defined by two significant attributes: the use of similar types of tombs and the deposition of significant amounts of material, objects that must be considered socially valuable.
Alberto Bernabé & Eugenio R. LujanLouvain-la-Neuve, Walpole2014
Since the decipherment of the Linear Β script by Michael Ventris in 1952, many books and papers have contributed to a better understanding of the Mycenaean texts and their cultural context. F. Aura Jorro has been able to critically review and systematize the richness and variety of the scholarship devoted to the interpretation of Mycenaean in his outstanding Diccionario micénico.
Η τοπογραφία του ιερού στον Αγ. Γεώργιο στο Βουνό, οι συνθήκες οι οποίες επικράτησαν στον χώρο μετά την επίσημη εγκατάλειψη της μινωικής αποικίας και ιδιαίτερα η συνεχόμενη χρήση του χώρου, ακόμη και μετά τη Βυζαντινή εποχή, συνετέλεσαν αποφασιστικά στη σημερινή εικόνα στρωματογραφικής ασυνέχειας και ανομοιογένειας.
Η παρούσα έκδοση, προϊόν πολύπλευρης συνεργασίας με πολιτιστικούς και κοινωνικούς φορείς της Τρίπολης, της Αρκαδίας και της Πελοποννήσου, αποτελεί το επιστέγασμα μιας προσπάθειας που άρχισε το έτος 2012, για να προβάλει μια πλευρά της έρευνας που μέχρι τότε δεν είχε κινήσει το ενδιαφέρον των Αρχαιολόγων και του Κοινού
Thanasis I. Papadopoulos & Litsa Kontorli-PapadopoulouUppsala2014
Since 1893 excavations by six different archaeologists at Vravron on the east coast of Attica have uncovered 37 Mycenaean tombs. The excavations, carried out by Stais (1893), Theochares and Papadimitriou (1955–1956), Verdelis (1965–1966), Themelis (1972–1973) and Kakavoyanni (1984), were not fully published and not all were well documented.
This study outlines the state of our present knowledge concerning the Mycenaean settlements in Messenia and examines the evidence for reconstructing the political geography of the “Kingdom” of Pylos. The progress of archaeological exploration in Messenia is reviewed in relation to the Mycenaean (Late Helladic [LH]) period.