Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory

BOOKS | 2014

Mykenische Siegelpraxis. Funktion, Kontext und administrative Verwendung mykenischer Tonplomben auf dem griechischen Festland und Kreta

München 2014

Mykenische Siegelpraxis. Funktion, Kontext und administrative Verwendung mykenischer Tonplomben auf dem griechischen Festland und Kreta Die mykenische Palastverwaltung hat neben den schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen auf Tontäfelchen versiegelte Tonplomben zu einer effektiven Kontrolle administrativer Vorgänge systematisch eingesetzt. Auch wenn die Siegelpraxis in den mykenischen Palastzentren des griechischen Festlands und Kretas nicht das breite Funktionsspektrum anderer bürokratischer Systeme der Antike abdeckte, war sie für das Bestehen dieser Verwaltungssysteme grundlegend.

Final Neolithic Crete and the Southeast Aegean

Boston/ Berlin 2014

This book presents an archaeological study of Crete in transition from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (c. 4000 to 3000 BC) within the broader South Aegean context. The study, based on the author’s own fieldwork, contains a gazetteer ofover 170sites.

Bridging the gaps in tree-ring records: Creating a high-resolution dendrochronological network for Southeastern Europe

Radiocarbon 56.4 (2014), 39-50

Dendrochronological research in North-Central Europe and the East Mediterranean has produced networks of long regional oak (Quercus sp.) reference chronologies that have been instrumental in dating, provenancing, and paleoclimate research applications. However, until now these two important tree-ring networks have not been successfully linked.

Italo-Mycenaean Pottery: The Archaeological and Archaeometric Dimensions


This volume presents the fruits of research that began in the 1980s concerning a class of pottery that has assumed increasing importance in Italian late prehistory, namely pottery of Mycenaean type or style, usually decorated, dating from the 17th to 11th century BC, and found throughout peninsular Italy, Sicily and Sardinia.

Fouilles exécutées à Malia : Les abords Nord-Est du palais I. Les recherches et l’histoire du secteur


This volume is the first in a series publishing the results of the excavations carried out in the area immediately northeast of the palace of Malia. It presents the history of research and a period-by-period overview describing each building, room, and space with a complete inventory of the associated finds, including some C14-dated samples.

Potential for a new multimillennial tree-ring chronology from subfossil Balkan river oaks

Radiocarbon 56.4 (2014), 51-59

A total of 272 oak (Quercus sp.) samples have been collected from large subfossil trees dredged from sediment deposited by the Sava and various tributary rivers in the Zagreb region of northwestern Croatia, and in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Measurement series of tree-ring widths from these samples produced 12 groups, totaling 3456 years of floating tree-ring chronologies spread through the last ca. 8000 years.

Dendroclimatology in the Eastern Mediterranean

Radiocarbon 56.4 (2014), 61-68

Dendroclimatology in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region has made important contributions to the understanding of climate variability on timescales of decades to centuries. These contributions, beginning in the mid-20th century, have value for resource management, archaeology, and climatology.

Tree rings and the chronology of ancient Egypt

Radiocarbon 56.4 (2014), 85-92

A fundamental aspect of ancient Egyptian history remains unresolved: chronology. Egyptologists (and researchers in related fields that synchronize their studies with Egypt) currently rely on a variety of insufficiently precise methodologies (king lists, radiocarbon dating, etc.) from which to derive seemingly “absolute” dates.

Dendrochronological dating in Egypt: Work accomplished and future prospects

Radiocarbon 56.4 (2014), 93-102

We assess the state of and potential for expansion of dendroarchaeological research in Egypt. We also report previously unpublished findings, which we hope will assist with the new effort in constructing tree-ring chronologies in Egypt. In doing so, we explain briefly some of the problems and potential of the future enterprise.

Hagios Charalambos: A Minoan Burial Cave in Crete. I. Excavation and Portable Objects

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This is the first of five planned volumes to present the primary archaeological report about the excavation of the cave of Hagios Charalambos in eastern Crete. The Minoans used this small cavern as an ossuary for the secondary burial of human remains and grave goods, primarily during the Early and Middle Bronze Age.

‘Literacies’ – 60+ years of ‘reading’ the Aegean Late Bronze Age

Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 57.2 (December 2014), 127-137

Inaugurated in January 1954, the ‘Minoan Linear B Seminar’ explored the information emerging from Ventris' decipherment of Linear B in 1952. The new academic discipline of ‘Mycenaean Studies’ rapidly moved on from questions influenced by the field's ‘pre-history’ dating back a further 60 years to Evans' first publication on Aegean scripts.