Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


A new astronomical dating of the Trojan war’s end

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 14.1 (2014): 93-102

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A solar eclipse’s evolution was described in the Iliad in a stepwise mode manifested in increasing gradual darkness, during a warm day at late noon; from Sarpedon’s death time to few later from Patroclus’ death time. We examined the solar eclipses within the time span 1400-1130 B.C. and we found that only the annular solar eclipse on 6th June 1218 yr B.C. observable in Troy with significant obscuration 75.2 % fits fully with the Homeric descriptions.

Do Mycenaean tholos tombs encode astronomical alignments?

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 14.3 (2014): 1-14

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The nine tholoi in the general area of Mycenae are examined with respect to their topological siting and relative to possible astronomical phenomena. We find that none of the tomb entrances was intentionally built to observe astronomical events such as the equinoxes.

Τσέπι Μαραθώνος

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 13-15

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Γλυφάδα Αττικής

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 11-13

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Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 54-56

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Ντικιλί Τάς

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 52-54

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Ίκλαινα Μεσσηνίας

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 52

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Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 51

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Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 45-50

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Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 42-45

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Βαθύ Αστυπάλαιας

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 39-41

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Χαλανδριανή Σύρου

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 37-39

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Άγ. Ανδρέας Σίφνου

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 35-37

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Στρόφιλας Άνδρου

Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας 61 (2014): 34-35

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