Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


10 February 2014

January-February 2014

By Aleydis van de Moortel:

  • Vitale, S.,2013. Two Late Helladic IIIA1 Deposits from Mitrou, East Lokris. A Chronological, Typological, and Functional Analysis of the Pottery, in G. Graziadio, R. Guglielmino, V. Lenuzza, & S. Vitale (eds), Φιλική Συναυλία. Volume of Studies in Honour of Mario Benzi (Oxford: Archaeopress), 123-134. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A. & E. Zahou, 2012. Five Years of Archaeological Excavation at the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Site of Mitrou, East Lokris (2004-2008). Preliminary Results, in A. Mazarakis Ainian & A. Doulgeri-Intzesioglou (eds), 3rd Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece 2006-2008. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period (Volos), 1131-1146. (PDF)
  • Vitale, S., 2012. Local Traditions and Mycenaeanization in North-Central Greece. A Preliminary Report on the Late Helladic II to Late Helladic IIIB Pottery from Mitrou, East Lokris, and Its Significance, in A. Mazarakis Ainian and A. Doulgeri-Intzesioglou (eds), 3rd Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece 2006-2008. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period (Volos), 1147-1158. (PDF)
  • Lis, B., 2012. Aeginetan cooking pottery in Central Greece and its wider perspective,” in A. Mazarakis Ainian and A. Doulgeri-Intzesioglou (eds), 3rd Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece 2006-2008. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period (Volos), 1203-1211. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A., 2012. The Middle Bronze Age Boat of Mitrou, Central Greece, in N. Günsenin (ed.), Between the Continents. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Istanbul Oct. 2009 (Istanbul), 17-26. (PDF)
  • Tsokas, G.N., A. Van de Moortel, P. Tsourlos, A. Stampolidis, G. Vargemezis & E. Zachou, 2012. Geophysical Survey as an Aid to Excavation at Mitrou. A Preliminary Report, Hesperia 81, 383-432. (PDF)
  • Lis, B., 2012. Late Bronze Age Cooking Pots from Mitrou and Their Change in the Light of Socio-Economic Transformations. PhD Thesis, Polish Academy of Sciences. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A. & E. Zahou, 2011. The Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition at Mitrou, in East Lokris: Evidence for Continuity and Discontinuity, in A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), The “Dark Ages” Revisited. Acts of an International Symposium in Memory of William D.E. Coulson, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 14-17 June 2007 (Volos), 287-303. (PDF)
  • Vykukal, R.L., 2011. Purpurae Florem of Mitrou: Assessing the Role of Purple Dye Manufacture in the Emergence of a Political Elite (Knoxville). Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Tennessee. (PDF)
  • Green, M.D., 2011. A geographical analysis of the Atalanti alluvial plain and coastline as the location of a potential tourist site, Bronze through Early Iron Age Mitrou, East-Central Greece, Applied Geography 32, 335-349. (PDF)
  • Vitale, S., 2011. Late Helladic IIIA:2 Pottery from Mitrou and its Implications for the Ceramic Chronology of the Mycenaean Mainland, in W. Gauß, M. Lindblom, A. Smith & J.C. Wright (eds), Our Cups are Full. Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (Oxford: Archaeopress), 331-344. (PDF)
  • Lis, B. & Š. Rückl, 2011. ‘Our Storerooms are Full.’ Impressed pithoi from LBA/EIA East Lokris and Phokis and their socio-economic significance,” in W. Gauß, M. Lindblom, A. Smith & J.C. Wright (eds), Our Cups are Full. Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (Oxford: Archaeopress), 154-168. (PDF)
  • Veropoulidou, R., 2011. Spondylus gaederopus Meals and Tools in Central Greece from the 3rd to the Early 1st Millennium BC, in F. Ifantidis & M. Nikolaidou (eds), Spondylus in  Prehistory: New Data and Approaches – Contributions to the Archaeology  of Shell Technologies (Oxford: Archaeopress) 191-208. (PDF)
  • Lis, B., 2010. Cooking Pottery in the Aegean – an Attempt at a Methodological Approach, in B. Horejs, R. Jung & P. Pavuk (eds), Analysing Pottery. Processing – Classification – Publication [Studia Archaeologica et Medievalia 10], (Bratislava) 235-244. (PDF)
  • Lis, B., 2009. Handmade and Burnished Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean at the End of the Bronze Age – Towards an Explanation of its Diversity and Geographical Distribution, in C. Bachhuber & G. Roberts (eds), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean (Oxford:Oxbow Books), 150-161. (PDF)
  • Lis, B., 2009. The Sequence of Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Pottery from Central Greek Settlements – A Fresh Look at Old and New Evidence, in S. Deger-Jalkotzy & A. Baechle (eds), Late Helladic IIIC Late and the Transition to the Early Iron Age. Late Helladic IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences) 203-220. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A., 2009. The Late Helladic IIIC-Protogeometric Transition at Mitrou, East Lokris, in S. Deger-Jalkotzy & A. Baechle (eds), Late Helladic IIIC Late and the Transition to the Early Iron Age. Late Helladic IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences) 359-372. (PDF)
  • Vitale, S., 2008. Ritual Drinking and Eating at LH IIIA:2 Early Mitrou, East Lokris. Evidence for Mycenaean Feasting Activities?, in L. Hitchcock & R. Laffineur (eds), DAIS. Proceedings of the 12th International Aegean Conference, organized by the University of Liège and the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, April 2008 (Liège), 229-237, pls. XL-XLVIII. (PDF)
  • Rückl, Š., 2008. Spatial Layout of the Protogeometric Settlement at Mitrou, East Lokris (Central Greece). Social Reality of a Greek Village in the 10th Century B.C. (Sheffield). Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Sheffield. (PDF)
  • Kramer-Hajos, M. & K. O’Neill, 2008. The Bronze Age Site of Mitrou in East Lokris: Finds from the 1988-1989 Surface Survey, Hesperia 77, 163-250. (PDF)
  • Rutter, J.B., 2007. How Different is LH IIIC Middle at Mitrou? An Initial Comparison with Kalapodi, Kynos, and Lefkandi, in S. Deger-Jalkotzy & M. Zavadil (eds), LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms, II. LH III C Middle. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, October 29th and 30th, 2004 (Vienna:Austrian Academy of Sciences), 287-300. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A. 2007. The Site of Mitrou and East Lokris in Homeric Times, in S. Morris & R. Laffineur (eds), EPOS. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology. Proceedings of the 11th International Aegean Conference, organized by the University of Liège and UCLA, Los Angeles, April 21-23, 2006 [Aegaeum 28] (Liège), 243-254. (PDF)
  • Van de Moortel, A. & E. Zahou, 2006. 2004 Excavations at Mitrou, East Lokris, Aegean Archaeology 7 (2003-2004): 39-48. (PDF)


By Panagiotis Karkanas & Aleydis Van de Moortel:

  • Karkanas, P. & Van de Moortel, A., 2014. Micromorphological analysis of sediments at the Bronze Age site of Mitrou, central Greece: patterns of floor construction and maintenance, Journal of Archaeological Science 43 (2014): 198-213. (PDF)


By Åströms Editions:

  • Clarke, C., 2013. The Manufacture of Minoan Metal Vessels. Theory and Practice [Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Pocket Book 178], Uppsala: Åströms Förlag.
  • Todd, I.A., 2013. Vasilikos Valley Project. Part 12. The Field Survey of the Vasilikos Valley III. Human Settlement in the Vasilikos Valley [Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 71:12], Uppsala: Åströms Förlag.
  • Webb, J. & Frankel, D., 2013. Ambelikou Aletri. Metallurgy and Pottery Production in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus [Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 138], Uppsala: Åströms Förlag.
  • Knapp, B., Webb, J. & McCarthy, A. (eds), 2013. J.R.B. Stewart. An Archaeological Legacy [Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 139], Uppsala: Åströms Förlag.


By Konstantinos Giannakos:

  • Giannakos, K., 2013. Aegean Type Swords and Finds in Anatolia, Technology of Metals and Structures, Written Sources and the Dating of Trojan War, in L. Bombardieri, A. D’Agostino, G. Guarducci, V. Orsi and Stefano Valentini (eds), SOMA 2012. Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012. Volume I [BAR International Series 2581], Oxford: Archaeopress, 427-437. (PDF)


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