Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


Sunday 24 April 2011

Relations between the Iberian Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st Millenium B.C. Myth and Reality

Evangelos Nikolopoulos University of Athens 2009

Relations between the Iberian Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st Millenium B.C. Myth and Reality

Description: 2 vols, Vol. I (text): 482 p., Vol. II (Figures): 87 p., (189 b/w & 9 colour figures, 9 maps)

Country: Greece

Supervisor: Prof. Eleni Mantzourani

Examiners: E. Mantzourani, N. Kourou, L. Platon, P. Sgouritsa, G. Papasavvas, E. Zymi, A. Voskos


The aim of this study is to analyze the relations between the Iberian Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean before the Phoenician colonization in the area, their extension, their duration and their cultural features. Six are the more precise aims of the study:

  • The examination of theories about colonization activities in the Iberian Peninsula during periods that could date since the Early Bronze Age.
  • The re-examination of well known data – together with the presentation of new ones – which form the range of the pre-colonial contacts with the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • The more precise chronological definition of the first contacts of the Peninsula with the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • The definition of the cultural sphere (or spheres) from where these contacts and relations originate.
  • The definition, with the assistance of archaeological data, of the grade that certain ancient written sources referring to legendary colonization of the Iberian Peninsula reflect a substratum of real facts.
  • The examination whether the under study data show just a network of contacts and influences or even a forerunner phase of the installation of foreign groups of people on the Iberian land.

In order to achieve these aims there are analyzed the typology, the dating and the features of those pottery and metal objects of the Iberian Peninsula which are considered imported – with the criteria established in this study – or that had received considerable influence from east Mediterranean cultures, as well as the imagery of objects and ships with such features. It has been thought more convenient to focus on the period of the late Iberian prehistory.

There are summarized the points of view about the cause of pre-colonial contacts, there are tracked geographical spots for the development of such contacts and there are defined the cultural features of the objects and the foreign bearers of these contacts and relations, as well as the possible route pursued to the west Mediterranean coast.

From the examination of the above mentioned data it is concluded that the so-called pre-colonial contacts, which could be established since the 3rd millennium B.C. a) were intensified in the end of the 2nd millennium B.C., b) were originated mainly from Cyprus and from Ugarit on the opposite coast of Syria, c) had been stimulated by the need to detect metal sources (mainly copper and tin) in the Iberian Peninsula, d) they were carried out possibly by the development of small nucleus of human installations in the Iberian territory and e) they can be spotted in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the peninsula and expanded northwards along the atlantic coast towards the coast of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula).

Ultimately, from the documented contacts and relations it can be concluded that certain legends about the approach of the Iberian Peninsula by heroes of the Troyan War and early settlers from Tyre might not be pure literature and imagination, but could symbolize real facts.






ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 1: Ο χώρος. Ο χρόνος. Πιθανό υπόστρωμα πρώιμων επαφών [12]

  • Στοιχεία γεωγραφίας της Ιβηρικής Χερσονήσου [12]
  • Η υπό μελέτη χρονική περίοδος. Προβλήματα χρονολόγησης [15]
  • Οι τάσεις της έρευνας [23]
  • Στοιχεία της ανατολικής Μεσογείου στην Ιβηρική Χερσόνησο [40]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 2: Κεραμική [56]

  • Γενικά [56]
  • Η κυκλαδική πρόχους από τη Μινόρκα [59]
  • Τροχήλατη κεραμική από το β΄ μισό της 2ης / αρχές της 1ης χιλιετίας π.Χ [62]
  • Κεραμική: Συμπεράσματα [82]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 3: Μέταλλα – Μεταλλοτεχνία [93]

  • Η Ιβηρική Χερσόνησος και τα μέταλλα [93]
  • Πόρπες με δυο βραχίονες [108]
  • Τριχολαβίδες [155]
  • Υπόκυκλα σκεύη [158]
  • Μεταλλικά Αγγεία [169]
  • Οβελοί [176]
  • Ορισμένες αμφιλεγόμενες περιπτώσεις [187]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 4: Οστέινα αντικείμενα [197]

  • Κτένια [197]
  • Σκήπτρο [201]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 5: Εικονογραφία [206]

  • H τοπική παράδοση [206]
  • Απεικονίσεις πλοίων [208]
  • Οι εγχάρακτες στήλες [234]
  • Ειδώλια και σφραγίδες από την Ανατολή [295]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 6: Οι γραπτές πηγές [300]

  • Η ιστορική βαρύτητα των γραπτών πηγών της πρωτο-ιστορίας της Μεσογείου [300]
  • Η ιστορική βαρύτητα των αρχαίων γραπτών πηγών για την Ιβηρική Χερσόνησο [302]
  • Γραπτές πηγές και προ-αποικιακή Ιβηρική Χερσόνησος [305]
  • Τοπωνύμια και προ-αποικιακές σχέσεις Ιβηρικής Χερσονήσου και ανατολικής Μεσογείου [349]
  • Πηγές και αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα. Υπάρχει δυνατότητα σύγκλισης; [353]


ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 7: Χρόνος, ταυτότητα, χαρακτήρας και διαδρομές των σχέσεων [356]

  • Ο χρόνος [356]
  • Η αναζήτηση της γεωγραφικής αφετηρίας και της ταυτότητας των σχέσεων με την ανατολική Μεσόγειο [357]
  • Η Κύπρος, η Ugarit και τα κίνητρα των επαφών με την Ιβηρική Χερσόνησο [362]
  • Επιβιώσεις κυπριακών στοιχείων στην Ιβηρική Χερσόνησο της 1ης χιλ. π.Χ. [369]
  • Η Κύπρος και η Ugarit στην κεντρική Μεσόγειο. Οι διαδρομές των επαφών με την Ιβηρική Χερσόνησο [373]











Read the dissertation


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