Aegeus Society For Aegean Prehistory


New Journal: Chronika


Chronika, a new interdisciplinary journal of European and Mediterranean archaeology, welcomes submissions (2,500-3000 words) from graduate students in departments of Anthropology, Classics, and Visual Studies/Art History at any university. Students are encouraged to submit online, and to join Chronika's parent organization, The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology.

Kernos – Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique


Kernos est la seule revue scientifique internationale entièrement consacrée à l’étude des faits et phénomènes religieux de la Grèce antique. Elle a pour ambition de fournir aux chercheurs en ce domaine, mais aussi à toute personne intéressée par les questions religieuses, un instrument de réflexion et des outils de travail pour progresser dans la connaissance du système religieux des Grecs.



MOSAIKjournal was established in 2009 as an interdisciplinary e-journal primarily specializing in research on antiquity. Each volume is dedicated to a special topic of current academic interest. The aim of this new journal is to give scholars a joint forum of discussion and to synthesize results of different disciplines.

Nestor. Bibliography of Aegean and Related Studies


Nestor is an international bibliography of Aegean studies, Homeric society, Indo-European linguistics, and related fields. It is published monthly from September to May (each volume covers one calendar year) by the Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati. An Authors Index accompanies the December issue. Nestor is distributed in 30 countries world-wide. It is currently edited by Carol R. Hershenson.