Mycenaeans up to Date: The Archaeology of the NE Peloponnese – Current Concepts and New Directions
Πρόγραμμα συνεδρίου
Τετάρτη 10 Νοεμβρίου
17.00-18.00: Εγγραφή
Αίθουσα διαλέξεων – Νέο Μουσείο Ακροπόλεως
18.00-18.30: Εισαγωγή
18.30 – 18.45: Fragments of Ancient Greek Music – Vocal Quartet ‘Φιλωδός‘
18.45-19.30: Keynote Lecture by Prof. Dr. Joseph Maran (Institute for Prehistory, Early History and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Heidelberg), ‘Tiryns and the Argolid in Mycenaean Times: new clues and interpretations’
19.30 – 19.45: The Contemporary Greek Sequence – Vocal Quartet ‘Φιλωδός‘
Υποδοχή στο Σουηδικό Ινστιτούτο, Μητσέων 9, Μακρυγιάννη
Poster presentation by Dr. Olga Psychoyos (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion) and Iannis Karatzikos (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), entitled: ‘Mycenaean cult on Mount Arachnaion’
Πέμπτη 11 Νοεμβρίου
Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Βασ. Κωνσταντίνου 48
Μυκήνες– Πρόεδρος: Prof. Jack Davis
9.00-9.20: Dr. Elizabeth French (The British School at Athens), ‘Tending the past, ensuring the future’
9.20-9.40: Assist. Prof. Kim Shelton (Department of Classics, University of California, Berkeley), ‘Pottery and Petsas House: recent research on LH IIIA2 Mycenae’
9.40-10.00: Assoc. Prof. Iphiyenia Tournavitou (Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly), ‘The East House in the Lower Town of Mycenae: the Past, the Present and the Future’
10.00-10.20: Dr. Argyro Nafplioti (Member of the British school at Athens), ‘Grave Circle A at Mycenae: The People’
10.20-10.40: Eleni Palaiologou (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), ‘A Mycenaean House at Chania, Mycenae’.
10.40-11.30: Συζήτηση
11.30-12.00: Διάλειμμα
Τίρυνθα– Πρόεδρος: Prof. Dr. Joseph Maran
12:00-12.20: Dr. Phil. Eleftheria Kardamaki (Institute for Prehistory, Early History and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Heidelberg), ‘The destruction of the palace in Tiryns and the “Day after” – Conclusions from a LH III B deposit at the west staircase’
12.20-12.40: Dr. Tobias Mühlenbruch, Vorgeschichtliches Seminar Philipps-Universität Marburg, ‘The Lower Citadel of Tiryns – what does it tell us about LH IIIC?’
12.40-13.00: Dr. Ursula Damm-Meinhardt (Member of the Tiryns Excavations), ‘Building Complex A at the Lower Citadel of Tiryns – an outstanding mansion of the Palatial period’
13.00-13.20: Dr. Lorenz Rahmstorf (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), ‘Workshop activities and pyrotechnology at Mycenaean Tiryns’
13.20-14.00: Συζήτηση
14.00-16.00: Διάλειμμα για γεύμα
Τίρυνθα, Άργος – Πρόεδρος: Dr. Hariclia Brecoulaki
16.00-16.20: Dr. Alkestis Papadimitriou (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities), Prof. Dr. Joseph Maran (University of Heidelberg) and Dr. Ulrich Thaler (German Archaeological Institute), ‘Palatial wall-paintings from Tiryns: new finds and new perspectives’
16.20-16.40: Christos Boulotis (Academy of Athens), ‘New evidence of Mycenaean frescoes from the citadel of Tiryns-the Killian excavations’
16.40-17.00: Dr. Ann Brysbaart (Honorary Lecturer, University of Leicester), ‘Multiple chaînes opératoires and CCI: a holistic approach to workshop studies at Mycenaean and post-Mycenaean Tiryns, Greece’
17.00-17.20: Dr. Nikolas Papadimitriou (Museum of Cycladic Art), Anna Philippa Touchais, (École française d’Athènes), Prof. Gilles Touchais (University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne), ‘Argos in the Late MH and LH period: a reassessment of the evidence’
17.20-18.00: Συζήτηση
18.00-18.30: Διάλειμμα
Μηδέα, Ασίνη – Πρόεδρος: Prof. Søren Dietz
18.30-18.50: Dr. Katie Demakopoulou (former Director at the National Archaeological Museum at Athens, Director of the Midea Excavations), The Mycenaean Acropolis of Midea: New Discoveries and New Interpretations’
18.50-19.10: Dr. Monica Nilsson (Swedish Institute at Athens), “The cause of the LHIIIB:2 destruction at Midea: man or nature?”
19.10-19.30: Dr. Birgitta Leppänen Sjöberg (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University), ‘Renewal or Regression? Asine and the Transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age’
19.30-20.00: Συζήτηση
Παρασκευή 12 Νοεμβρίου
Μπερμπάτι, Νεμέα, Φλιούς, Ναυπλία – Πρόεδρος: Dr. Katie Demakopoulou
9.00-9.20: Assoc. Prof. Ann-Louise Schallin (Swedish Institute at Athens), ‘The Mycenaeans in the Berbati Valley’
9.20-9.40: Prof. James Wright (Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania), ‘The nature of Mycenaean occupation of the watersheds that comprise the Longopotamos, Nemea, and Asopos Valleys’
9.40-10.00: Vasco Hachtmann (Institute for Prehistory, Early History and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Heidelberg), ‘Mycenaean times in the basin of Phlious’
10.00-10.20: Konstantina Kaza-Papageorgiou (16th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Peiraeus), ‘Αγ. Ειρήνη, Φλιασίας’
10.20-10.40: Christos Piteros (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), ‘Mycenaean Nauplia’
10.40-11.30: Συζήτηση
11.30-12.00: Διάλειμμα
‘Γείτονες και φίλοι’ (Κόρινθος, Αχαΐα και Αίγινα) – Μπερμπάτι, Νεμέα, Φλιούς, Ναυπλία: Prof. Catherine Morgan
12.00-12.20: Dr. Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst (Assist. Director-Corinth Excavations), ‘Mycenaean Corinth: the question of its significance’
12.20-12.40: Dr. Eleni Papazoglou-Manioudaki (Director of the Prehistoric Collection, National Museum, Athens), ‘The Early Mycenaean settlement at Aigion in Achaea and the western frontier of the NE Peloponnese’
12.40-13.00: Prof. Nagia Polychronakou-Sgouritsa (Department of History and Archaeology, University of Athens), ‘Lazarides on eastern Aegina: The relationships with the NE Peloponnese’
13.00-13.30: Συζήτηση
13.30-16.00: Διάλειμμα για γεύμα
Συνεδρία 1: Κοσμική αρχιτεκτονική και Ανακτορική Διοίκηση – Πρόεδρος: Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier
16.00-16.20: Prof. Clairy Palyvou (Department of Architecture, Thessaloniki Polytechnic), ‘Συστήματα οργάνωσης του χώρου στην Μινωϊκή και Μυκηναϊκή αρχιτεκτονική: από την κεντροβαρική οργάνωση στην γραμμική ανάπτυξη’
16.20-16.40: Mary Xypnitou (4rth Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion), ‘Πολεοδομικοί σχηματισμοί στη μυκηναϊκή εποχή: οργανική-λειτουργική συσχέτιση ή ασχεδίαστο κενό;’
16.40-17.00: Dr. Ulrich Thaler (research assistant, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich), ‘Movement in between, into and inside Mycenaean palatial megara’
17.00-17.20: Dr. Malgorzata Siennicka (University of Warsaw): ‘Courts and open-air areas in the Late Helladic III Argolid’
17.20-18.00: Συζήτηση
18.00-18.30: Διάλειμμα
18.30-18.50: Prof. Spyridon Iakovidis (General Director of the Mycenae Excavations, Academy of Athens), ‘The House at Plakes’
18.50-19.10: Prof. Daniel J. Pullen, Department of Classics (The Florida State University), ‘How to Build a Mycenaean Town: The Architecture of Kalamianos’
19.10-19.30: Assist. Prof. Thomas F. Tartaron (Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania), Late Bronze Age Architecture and Regional Dynamics at Korphos in the Corinthia’
19.30-20.00: Συζήτηση
Σάββατο 13 Νοεμβρίου
Συνεδρία 2: Ο κόσμος των νεκρών – Πρόεδρος: Nicoletta Divari-Valakou, Dr. Vasiliki Adrymi-Sismani
9.00-9.20: Assoc. Prof. Sofia Voutsaki (Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen), ‘Before the Mycenaean period: social change in the MH Argolid’
9.20-9.40: Dr. Eleni Konstantinidi-Sivridi and Constantinos Paschalidis (National Archaeological Museum, Athens), ‘Η Ζωή και ο Θάνατος στις Μυκήνες στο Τέλος της Προανακτορικής Περιόδου. Η Περίπτωση του Θαλαμωτού Τάφου στα Νότια του Κύκλου Β των Μυκηνών’
9.40-10.00: Dr. Michael Boy (Stavros S. Niarhos Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge), ‘Explaining the mortuary sequence at Mycenae’
10.00-10.20: Anna Philippa-Touchais (École française d’Athènes) and Dr. Nikolas Papadimitriou (Museum of Cycladic Art), ‘Deiras, Argos: reassessing the chronology and importance of the Mycenaean cemetery based on finds from W. Vollgraff’s excavations’
10.20-10.40: Dr. Evangelia Pappi (4th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Nauplion) and Dr. Valasia Isaakidou (Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield), ‘Funerary treatment of equids in the Late Bronze Age: the cemetery of Dendra’
10.40-11.30: Συζήτηση
11.30-12.00: Διάλειμμα
Συνεδρία 2 (συνέχεια): Ο κόσμος των νεκρών – Πρόεδρος: Assoc. Prof. Sofia Voutsaki
12.00-12.20: Dr. Eleni Konsolaki (Director of the Excavations at Ayios Konstantinos, Methana), ‘Structural analysis of the tholos tombs at Magoula, Galatas (Troizena)’
12.20-12.40: Panagiota Kasimi (37th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Corinth), ‘Τα μυκηναϊκά νεκροταφεία της Ανατολικής Κορινθίας και ο πρώϊμος θολωτός μυκηναϊκός τάφος της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου’
12.40-13.00: Dr. Chrysanthi Gallou (Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham), ‘The Early Mycenaean chamber tombs in NE Peloponnese: A view from Southern Peloponnese’
13.00-13.20: Assoc. Prof. Carole Gillis (Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Lund), ‘A Colorful Death. The Role Color Played in Burials in the Late Bronze Age Argolid’
13.20-13.40: Dr. Kalliope Nikita (Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham), ‘Glass eye-beads in Mycenaean Argolid – Manufacture, provenance and funerary function’
13.40-14.30: Συζήτηση
14.30-16.30: Διάλειμμα για γεύμα
Συνεδρία 3: Μυκηναϊκή κεραμεική – Πρόεδρος: Dr. Anthi Batziou-Efstathiou
16.30-16.50: Dr. Michael Lindblom (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University), ‘The Definition of Late Helladic I Revisited’
16.50-17.10: Nicoletta Divari-Valakou (3rd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Athens), ‘Mycenaean coarse ware pottery. Storage and cooking vessels from Midea’
17.10-17.30: Dr. Penelope Mountjoy (The British School at Athens), ‘The NE Peloponnese and the Near East: ceramic evidence for contacts in LH III’
17.30-18.00: Συζήτηση
18.00-18.30: Διάλειμμα
Συνεδρία 4: Η γραπτή απόδειξη – Πρόεδρος: Prof. Vasilis Aravantinos
18.30-18.50: Dr. Pascal Darque and Françoise Rougemont (École Francaise d´Athènes), ‘Palaces and “Palaces”: Mycenaean texts and contexts in the Argolid and neighbouring regions’
18.50-19.10: Dr. Marie Louise Nosch (Centre for Textile Research, The SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen), ‘Coherences in the Argolid and overall Mycenaean palace administrations’
19.10-19.30: Συζήτηση
Κυριακή 14 Νοεμβρίου
Συνεδρία 5. Μυκηναϊκή θρησκεία: Ανακτορικές και μη ανακτορικές όψεις – Πρόεδρος: Dr. Elizabeth French
9.00-9.20: Prof. Ken Wardle (Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham), ‘The Sacred Centre at Mycenae’
9.20-9.40: Dr. Vasiliki Pliatsika (Hellenic Ministry of Culture), ‘Tales of the unexpected; identifying cult practice in the House M Quarter of the Mycenae citadel’
9.40-10.00: Dr. Melissa Vetters (Member of the Tiryns Excavations), ‘Piety begins at home, but whose piety? Reconstructing use-and discard-patterns of Mycenaean vs. handmade burnished terracotta figurines in Postpalatial domestic contexts within the settlement of Tiryns and beyond’
10.00-10.20: Prof. Emeritus Robin Hägg, Universty of Gothenburg, ‘The Asine Sanctuary in perspective’
10.20-10.40: Prof. Helène Whittaker (Department of Culture and Literature, University of Tromsø), ‘Mycenaean religion in the twenty-first century’
10.40-11.40: Συζήτηση
11.40-12.30: Διάλειμμα
12.30-14.00: Γενική συζήτηση