Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2011

20 Απριλίου 2015

Serraglio, Eleona, and Langada Archaeological Project (SELAP): Report on the results of the 2009 and 2010 seasons

Salvatore Vitale Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente LXXXVII (2009) [2011], 1233-1252

Από την εισαγωγή (στα Αγγλικά)

The Late Bronze Age (LBA) settlement of the “Serraglio”, situated in the centre of the modern town of Kos, had a prominent role in the cultural interface which included the main islands of the Dodecanese and the SW coast of Anatolia. The related cemeteries of Eleona and Langada were located only a short distance from the settlement. They were founded in Late Helladic (LH) IIB and LH IIIA2 respectively and were used intensively until a rather advanced phase of LH IIIC. In the successive Early Iron Age (EIA), Kos continued to play a major role in the SE Aegean. From a mature stage of the Protogeometric period, the area of the “Serraglio”, which had previously been the site of the Mycenaean settlement, was turned into a cemetery.



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