ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ / HESPEROS. The Aegean seen from the West
Michael Fotiadis, Robert Laffineur, Yannos Lolos & Andreas Vlachopoulos (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: Leuven-Liège
Έτος: 2017
Εκδότης: Peeters
Περιγραφή: Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, 548 σ., πολυάριθμοι ασπρόμαυροι και έγχρωμοι πίνακες, πολυάριθμες ασπρόμαυρες και έγχρωμες εικόνες, 29.6 x 21 cm
Περίληψη (στην αγγλική γλώσσα)
The 16th International Aegean Conference/Rencontre égéenne international encompasses all the geographical regions west of the Aegean (Western Mainland Greece, the Ionian islands and the Adriatic, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Sardinia, Corsica and the Balearic islands), giving prominence to those focal points and traits of the local civilizations which interact with their Aegean counterparts of the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC, not excluding their Neolithic background.
Some of the issues for which HESPEROS opens the floor to discussion are the nature of Mycenaean presence in Iberia, the spread of the early technology of bronze across the Mediterranean, the expansion of phenomena connected with the Cetina “culture”, the local productions and the Mediterranean trade network of goods, such as the industry of amber, glass and murex, the distribution of tumuli and their social implications as monuments for the local elites, the lack of local manufacture of Italo-Mycenaean pottery in Sicily, the nodal role of the Balkans in a “connecting cultures” process, the documentation of Cycladic elements as far away as the Ionian islands, and the aspects of the metallurgical koine across the LBA Adriatic and the Aegean, not neglecting the examination of “traditional” questions, such as the nature of Mycenaean imports in Italy, the spread of matt-painted pottery in the SW Balkans and the degree of “Mycenaeanization” of Epirus.
Preface [ix-x]
Keynote Lecture: The Ancient and Long History of East, Central and West Mediterranean Sea Routes [3-21]
Sebastiano Tusa
The Mycenaean contacts with the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Bronze Age (1625-1150 BC) [25-38]
Alfredo Mederos Martín
The Aegean itself or its reflection? Absence and presence of Aegean cultural elements in the Bronze Age Balearic Islands and the Iberian Peninsula [41-50]
Vangelis Nikolopoulos
From shepherds to heroes: Mediterranean iconography of power in the far West [53-60]
Marisa Ruiz-Galvez & Eduardo Galân
From Shardania to Læstrygonia… Eastern origin prestige goods and technical transfers in Corsica through Middle and Final Bronze Age [61-70]
Kewin Peche-Quilichini, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Joseph Cesarl Bernard Gratuze, Jean Graziani, Franck Leandri & Hélène Paolini-Saez
Sardinia and the Aegean World in the Bronze Age: advances in understanding [73-79]
Alessandro Usai
Some observations on bronze productions in Nuragic Sardinia between Aegean influences and autonomous creation [81-88]
Anna Depalmas, Claudio Bulla & Giovanna Fundoni
Permeable boundaries in the late 3rd Millennium BC Central Mediterranean: contacts and mobility between the Balkans, Greece, Southern Italy and Malta [94-103]
Giulia Recchia & Alberto Cazzella
Spirals from Malta and ‘ropes and pulleys’ from the Eurasian steppe? On the origin of some ornaments of the Aegean Bronze Age [105-112]
Fritz Blakolmer
The Etnean area and the Aegean World between the end of the 3rd and the first half of the 2nd Millennium BC: new data from Valcorrente at Belpasso (Catania) [115-120]
Orazio Palio, Simona V. Todaro & Maria Turco
Cannatello, Sicily: the connective history of the LBA Central Mediterranean hub [123-128]
Sara Tiziana Levi, Alessandro Vanzetti & Ernesto De Miro
Mycenaeans and others along Western Sicily: a view from Selinunte [131-136]
Massimo Cultraro & Clemente Marconi
Tholos tombs in Sicily: a landscape approach [139-145]
Pietro Maria Militello & Katarzyna Żebrowska
Stromboli: gateway for early Mycenaean connections through the Strait of Messina [147153]
Sara Tiziana Levi, Marco Bettelli, Valentina Cannavò, Andrea Di Renzoni, Francesca Ferranti, Maria Clara Martinelli, Annunziata Ollà & Gabriella Tigano
Making connections: westward trade in purple dyed textiles [155-162]
Dora Constantinidis
The Po Plain, Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Bronze Age: fact, fancy and plausibility [165-172]
Marco Bettelli, Michele Cupitò, Richard Jones, Giovanni Leonardi & Sara Tiziana Levi
Luxury production. Amber and glass during the Recent and Final Bronze Age in North-eastern Italy [173-182]
Paolo Bellintani & Federica Gonzato
Greece and Southern Italy 1250-1050 BC: manifold patterns of interaction [185-203]
Reinhard Jung & Marco Pacciarelli
The exception and the rule. Making sense of the diversity in patterns of Aegean interaction in Late Bronze Age Central Mediterranean [205-212]
Francesco Iacono
Early Bronze Age sailors of the Eastern Adriatic: the Cetina Culture and its impact [215-221]
Helena Tomas
The ancestral message of the dead: tumuli, settlements, landscape and the utility of memory in the Prehistory of Albania and Western Greece [223-232]
Petrika Lera, Stavros Oikonomidis, Aris Papayiannis & Akis Tsonos
The decorated pottery of the Adriatic and Western Balkan Areas in the last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC: continuity, discontinuity and suggestion of dating [235-240]
Eleonora Ballan
Kos, Italy, and Europe during the Mycenaean Period: evidence for a special connection [243-251]
Salvatore Vitale, Nicholas G. Blackwell & Calla Mcnamee
Hesperos and Phosphoros: how research on Aegean-Eastern interactions can inform studies of the West (presented at the Conference as a poster) [253-259]
Louise A. Hitchcock & Aren M. Maeir
Relations between the Mycenaean world and Kosovo, as reflected in imported vessels and weapons [263-268]
Shafi Gashi
The Aegean seen from the North-west. Overcoming old interpretative frameworks in the field of Aegean-Balkan relations [271-277]
Maja Gori
Balkan Bronze Age borderland, along ancient routes from the Aegean to Albania, F.Y.R.O.M., Kosovo and sw Bulgaria (presented at the Conference as a poster) [279-284]
Tobias Krapf, Esmeralda Agolli, Ole Christian Aslaksen, Ekaterina Ilieva, Stoyan Ivanov, Christos Kleitsas, Giannis Papadias, Aleksandra Papazovska Sanev, Evgenia Tsafou, Akis Tsonos & Evangelia Vliora
Carnelian and amber beads as evidence of Late Bronze Age contacts between the present territory of Albania and the Aegean [287-297]
Rovena Kurti
The position of Albania in Mediterranean obsidian exchange spheres [299-303]
Rudenc Ruka & Michael L. Galaty
Relations between the Mycenaean world and Albania during Middle and Late Helladic (as reflected from imported Mycenaean weapons and tools) [305-315]
Adem Bunguri
Models of social networks of southeast Albania in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (1200-900 BC) [319-324]
Esmeralda Agolli
Albania meets the Aegean: the West Mainland Koine revisited [327-337]
Akis Tsonos
Animal husbandry in Albania, Epirus and Southern Greece during the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age: questions of quantity, seasonality and integration to the economy and social structure [339-346]
Aris Papayiannis
From Central Greece to the North and then Westwards? Tracing influences in matt painted pottery from Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age [349-359]
Tobias Krapf
Corfu in the Adriatic network of contacts in the second half of the 3rd millennium B.C [363-367]
Garifalia Metallinou
Meganissi Lefkada. A new site of the end of the Mycenaean era at the crossroads of the maritime routes of the Ionian Sea [369-373]
Olympia Vikatou
Between the Aegean and the Adriatic. Zakynthos in the Bronze Age [375-380]
Gert Jan Van Wijngaarden, & Nienke Pieters
Living on the edge. SW Kephalonia: an island region of the western Aegean world in the post-palatial period [383-393]
Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Andreas Sotiriou & Eleni Papafloratou
Epirus and the Mycenaean World: versions and dimensions of immanentia [397-399]
Konstantinos Soueref
Prehistoric Dodona, Epirus: towards the identification of a sacred place [401-406]
Christos N. Kleitsas
Production and consumption of kylikes in Late Bronze/Early Iron Age mainland Epirus (Prefecture of Ioannina) [409-416]
Paraskevi Yiouni & Eleni Vasileiou
Mycenaean citadels of Western Greece: architecture, purpose and their intricate role in the local communities and their relations with the West [419-428]
Thanasis J. Papadopoulos
The disturbed contexts of the Bronze Age lower Acheron valley. Assemblages and implications (presented at the Conference as a poster) [431-440]
Dimitris N. Sakkas
Prehistoric Naupaktos: a missing link on the northern shore of the Corinthian Gulf (presented at the Conference as a poster) [443-450]
Fotini Saranti
A society of merchants and warriors to the east of the West. The case of the Mycenaean settlement on Mygdalia hill, near Patras, in Achaea [453-460]
Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki & Constantinos Paschalidis
Teichos Dymaion, Achaea. An acropolis-harbour of the Ionian Sea looking westwards [463-471]
Michalis Gazis
The Last Mycenaeans and the Adriatic connection: a view from the Trapeza cemetery, Eastern Achaea [473-481]
Elisabetta Borgna
Mycenaean Achaea towards the West: imported artefacts or technological know-how? The case of a casting mould from Stavros, Chalandritsa [483-494]
Konstantina Soura
Keryneia, Achaea. A recently excavated Bronze Age site in the northern Peloponnese. Aspects of cultural connections with the West (presented at the Conference as a poster) [497-502]
Erophile Kolia & Andreas Spiroulias
The elephant in the room: migration and diffusion. Some thoughts on post-palatial Achaea (presented at the Conference as a poster) [505-513]
Christina Marini
Mixed-alkali glass beads from Elateia-Alonaki: tracing the routes of an alien glass technology in the periphery of post-palatial Mycenaean Greece [515-522]
Kalliopi Nikita, Georg Nightingale & Simon Chenery
Like dolmen, like dromos: contextualizing the solar orientations of some Mycenaean tholoi [525-530]
Brent Davis, Anne P. Chapin, Emilia Banou & Louise A. Hitchcock
Heirs from the Loom? Funerary textiles from Stamna (Aitolia, Greece). A preliminary analysis [533-541]
Lazaros Kolonas, Kalliope Sarri, Christina Margariti, Ina Vanden Berghe, Irene Skals & Marie-Louise Nosch
Endnote: Closing Remarks [545-548]
Gert Jan Van Wijngaarden
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