Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean. Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Proceedings of the International Symposium Beirut 2008

Πόλη: Beirut
Έτος: 2009
Εκδότης: Ministry of Culture of Lebanon
Σειρά: Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises Hors-Série VI
Περιγραφή: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 560 σ., ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες, χάρτες, πίνακες, σχέδια, 28,5×21 εκ.
Περίληψη (στα Αγγλικά)
The book publishes the Proceedings of the four day Symposium ‘Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age (Early, Middle, Late) and the Iron Age’ that was held in November 2008 in Beirut (Lebanon).
The aims of the Symposium were:
- To initiate in Lebanon an International forum for Mediterranean archaeology.
- To focus on regionalism between ancient Lebanon and the Mediterranean world during Bronze Age and Iron Age.
- To give young Lebanese archaeologists as well as the general public the chance to meet with Lebanese and international specialists.
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Jean-Paul Thalmann, ‘The Early Bronze Age: Foreign relations in the light of recent excavations at Tell Arqa’[15-28].
Muntaha Saghieh-Beydoun, ‘Byblos revisited’ [29-36].
Stefania Mazzoni, ‘Seals and jars: the evidence of the early interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean’ [37-56].
Gassia Artin, ‘Échanges “commerciaux” et “culturels” au Levant durant le IVe millénaire à travers le “prisme” funéraire du site de Byblos’ [57-68].
Corine Yazbeck, ‘Chipped stone tools from the Bronze Age in Lebanon’ [69-75].
Yasmine Makaroun Bou Assaf, ‘L’urbanisation de Byblos dans son contexte régional au Bronze Ancien’ [77-90].
Bertrand Lafont, ‘D’Ur à Byblos: les relations entre la Mésopotamie et le Levant aux Ages du Bronze Ancien et Moyen. L’apport des textes’ [91-106].
Hermann Genz, ‘Tell Fadous-Kfarabida: Regional connections in the Early Bronze Age’ [107-116].
Paolo Matthiae, ‘Temples and Queens at Ebla. Recent Discoveries in a Syrian Metropolis between Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Levant’ [117-139].
Irene Forstner-Müller & Karin Kopetzky, ‘Egypt and Lebanon: New evidence for cultural exchanges in the first half of the 2nd millennium B.C.’ [143-157].
Lorenzo Nigro, ‘The eighteen century BC princes of Byblos and Ebla and the chronology of the Middle Bronze Age’ [159-175].
Hélène Sader, ‘Palace architecture in Tell el-Burak-Lebanon: Some evidence for Egyptian-Mesopotamian-Levantine interconnections’ [177-185].
Alexander MacGillivray, ‘Lebanon and Protopalatial Crete: Pottery, chronology and people’ [187-193].
Frances Pinnock, ‘Open cults and temples in Syria and the Levant’ [195-207].
Manfred Bietak, ‘Near Eastern sanctuaries in the eastern Nile Delta’ [209-228].
Claude Doumet-Serhal, ‘Second millennium BC Levantine ceremonial feasts: Sidon a Case Study’ [229-244].
Jean-Louis Huot, ‘Les influences mésopotamiennes et anatoliennes sur le Levant durant le Bronze Moyen’ [245-252].
Leila Badre, ‘The religious architecture in the Bronze Age: Middle Bronze Beirut and Late Bronze Tell Kazel’ [253-270].
Guillaume Gernez, ‘La place de l’armement levantin en Méditerranée orientale: influences, dynamiques et échanges au Bronze Ancien et Moyen (3300-1600 av. J.-C.)’ [271-284].
Nicolle Hirschfeld, ‘The many ways between Late Bronze Age Aegeans and Levants’ [285-294].
Hanan Charaf, ‘Arqa and its regional connections Redux’ [295-309].
Marlies Heinz, ‘Imports – consumer goods, gifts or private property? The story behind the material evidence for external relations in Late Bronze Age Kumidi (Kamid el-Loz)’ [311-322].
Vassos Karageorghis, ‘Interconnections between Cyprus and Lebanon. From the Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic period’ [325-337].
Nicolas Grimal, ‘Quelques réflexions sur la géopolitique du Levant au deuxième millénaire av. J.-C.’ [339-360].
Nota Kourou, ‘The Aegean and the Levant in Early Iron Age: Recent developments’ [361-374].
Annie Caubet, ‘L’art de l’ivoire au Levant durant la période du Bronze Récent’ [375-384].
Pierre Bordreuil, ‘Remarques sur le vocabulaire cananéen de la région de Sidon et de Tyr à la fin de l’âge du Bronze’ [385-392].
Honor Frost, ‘From Knossos to Gawasis: Stone anchors and symbolism’ [393-402].
Fransisco J. Núñez & Maria Eugenia Aubet, ‘Tyre al-Bass – Imported material / typology and results’ [403-417].
Grace Homsy-Gottwalles, ‘Le commerce de Byblos à l’Age du Fer à la lumière du récit d’Ounamon et des données archéologiques’ [419-426].
John Curtis, ‘Phoenicians on the Balawat Gates’ [427-438].
Hartmut Matthäus, ‘Phoenician metal-work up to date. Phoenician metal bowls with figural decoration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Near and Middle East and North Africa’ [439-452].’
Eric Gubel, ‘The Phoenician Temple at Tell Kazel (Şumur)’ [453-468].
Christina Ioannou, ‘La présence du panthéon phénicien à Chypre’ [469-477].
Gerta Maaß-Lindemann, ‘Phoenicians between East and West’ [479-488].
Eleftheria Pappa, ‘Phoenicians in the West: Remarks on some western Phoenician ceramic assemblages from Atlantic Iberia’ [489-498].
Francesca Onnis, ‘Levantine iconology: Was there a conscious figurative programme in the decoration of the “Phoenician” metal bowl?’ [499-514].
Anne-Marie Maïla-Afeiche, ‘Exposition au musée National de Beyrouth. Échanges en Méditerranée orientale – Le Liban aux Ages du Bronze et du Fer’ [515-532].
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