Petras, Siteia. The Pre- and Proto-palatial Cemetery in Context. Acts of a Two-Day Conference held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 14-15 February 2015
Metaxia Tsipopoulou (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: Aarhus
Έτος: 2017
Εκδότης: The Danish Institute at Athens and Aarhus University Press
Σειρά: Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 21
Περιγραφή: Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, 446 σ., πολυάριθμοι ασπρόμαυροι πίνακες, πολυάριθμες ασπρόμαυρες και λίγες έγχρωμες εικόνες, 21.6×28.1 εκ.
Αγγλική περίληψη
The second conference report on the archaeological site of Petras, Siteia concerns the progress of research conducted about the very important and extensive cemetery of the Pre- and Proto-palatial periods in eastern Crete – one of very few excavations started in Crete in the 21st century. An international group of specialists present and discuss various aspects of the remains of the large, unplundered cemetery and the adjacent settlements traces and in contextualizing the cemetery they try to understand it in the historical, economic and political framework of Pre- and Proto-palatial Crete in general, and Eastern Crete in particular.
List of Contributors [11-13]
Preface [15-18]
Abbreviations [19]
Works Cited [21-54]
Greetings from Rune Frederiksen, Director Emeritus of the Danish Institute at Athens [55]
Greetings from Kristina Winther-Jacobsen, Director of the Danish Institute at Athens [56]
Documenting sociopolitical changes in Pre- and Proto-palatial Petras: The house tomb cemetery [57-101]
Metaxia Tsipopoulou
The Tripartite Façade at the Petras cemetery [103-110]
Philip P. Betancourt, Metaxia Tsipopoulou & Miriam Clinton
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Ceremonial Area 1: Identity and dating of a special ritual space in the Petras cemetery [111-130]
Metaxia Tsipopoulou
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Pottery fabrics and recipes in the later Pre- and Proto-palatial period at Petras: The petrographic evidence from House Tomb 2 and Ceremonial Area 1 [131-141]
Eleni Nodarou
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Further seals from the cemetery at Petras [143-157]
Olga Krzyszkowska
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Variability and differentiation: A first look at the stone vase assemblage in the
Petras cemetery [159-178]
Maria Relaki & Christina Tsoraki
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The Petras ‘Sphinx’? An essay on hybridity [179-193]
Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw
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The use of querns and other ground stone hand tools in Early to Middle Minoan mortuary practices at Petras [195-202]
Heidi M. C. Dierckx
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Special silver alloys from the Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery of Petras, Crete [203-214]
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Philip P. Betancourt, Susan C. Ferrence & James D. Muhly
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An intriguing set of discs from the Protopalatial tombs at Petras [215-223]
Thomas M. Brogan & Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
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The plant remains of the house tombs at Petras: Acts of destruction, transformation and preservation [225-235]
Evi Margaritis
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Feeding the dead, toasting the living? The view from faunal remains [237-244]
Valasia Isaakidou
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Male bonding and remembering the ancestors? The Late Minoan III reoccupation and use of the Kephala-Petras Cemetery Area [245-167]
David W. Rupp
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The sea in the afterlife of the Minoans: The shell material from Petras cemetery in context [269]
Tatiana Theodoropoulou
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“Όσο ψηλά και αν ανεβείς λέξη μην πεις μεγάλη ‘πο χώμα σε έφτιαξε ο θεός κι εκειά γυρίζεις πάλι’ Cretan mantinada for death [271-290]
Sevasti Triantaphyllou
House Tomb 5: A preliminary analysis of the human skeletal remains [291-299]
Sevasti Triantaphyllou, Sotiria Kiorpe & Metaxia Tsipopoulou
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Compare and contrast: The house tomb at Myrtos-Pyrgos [301-309]
Gerald Cadogan
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Mortuary practices, the ideology of death and social organization of the Siteia area: The Petras cemetery within its broader funerary landscape [311-323]
Yiannis Papadatos
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Mobility patterns and cultural identities in Pre- and Proto-palatial central and eastern Crete [325-339]
Efthymia Nikita, Sevi Triantaphyllou, Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Diamantis Panagiotopoulos & Lefteris Platon
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Pezoules Kephala, Zakros. I. Form of the tombs and burial habits [341-354]
Lefteris Platon
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Pezoules Kephala, Zakros. II. The chronological and evaluative position of the finds in the framework of the life of the neighboring settlement [355-367]
Lefteris Platon & Maria Tsiboukaki
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Funerary practices at Sissi: The treatment of the body in the house tombs [369-383]
Ilse Schoep, Isabelle Crevecoeur, Aurore Schmitt & Peter Tomkins
Funerary ritual and social structure in the Old Palace period: A multifarious liaison [385-398]
Giorgos Vavouranakis
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East Cretan networks in the Middle Bronze Age [399-412]
Carl Knappett & Cristina Ichim
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Final discussion [413-424]
Chaired by Colin F. Macdonald
Final remarks: Some comments on the Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery and the Late Minoan IIIC settlement of Petras Kephala [425-435]
Donald C. Haggis
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Index [437-446]
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