The Cave of the Cyclops: Mesolithic and Neolithic Networks in the Northern Aegean, Greece. Volume II: Bone Tool Industries, Dietary Resources and the Paleoenvironment, and Archeometrical Studies
Adamantios Sampson (επιμέλεια)

Πόλη: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Έτος: 2011
Εκδότης: INSTAP Academic Press
Σειρά: Prehistory Monographs 31
Περιγραφή: Σκληρό εξώφυλλο, 424 σ., 104 πίνακες στο κείμενο, 95 α/μ εικόνες στο κείμενο, 28,4x21,8 εκ.
Από την εισαγωγή (στα Αγγλικά)
The archaeological material presented in the first volume has demonstrated the importance of the Cave of the Cyclops, which unquestionably constitutes a byword in the prehistory of the Aegean. The information set out in the second volume mainly comes from the archaeological material, organic residues, and the archaeornetric studies that complete the image of this significant archaeological site. Organic residues form a vast amount of material, and its systematic study proved necessary in order to ascertain the significance of the cave.
Particularly important is Prof A. Moundrea-Agrafioti’s study of Mesolithic bone hooks, which are unique. Their typology cannot be compared to any of its parallels, and the uniqueness of this material may have been responsible for the delayed submission of the study, which naturally should have been integrated in the first volume. The 55 bone hooks recovered comprise a body of material that so far is unique in the Aegean, adding to the importance of the archaeological research in the cave. The impressively wide variety of types and sizes from among the earlier to the more recent Mesolithic levels suggests a specialization in the fishing activities of these Mesolithic groups that settled in the northern Aegean. The variety of sizes, analogous to the hooks seen today, allows for a detailed typology. Consequently, it is highly likely that during the Mesolithic period the cave was used as a base and refuge during regular missions of fishing by exceptionally specialized fishermen. Animal bones abound among the higher Neolithic levels of the cave.
Animal bones were expectedly scarce among the Mesolithic levels, but the detailed study by Dr. K. Trantalidou proves an early domestication of sheep and goats that is contemporary to domestication in Anatolia, reflecting either an early provenance
List of Tables [vii]
List of Figures [xi]
List of Abbreviations [xvii]
Introduction [xix]
1. The Mesolithic and Neolithic Bone Implements, by Antiklia Moundrea-Agrafioti [3]
2. From Mesolithic Fishermen and Bird Hunters to Neolithic Goat Herders: The Transformation of an Island Economy in the Aegean, by Katerina Trantalidou [53]
Appendix 2.A. Avian measurements [102]
Appendix 2.B. Cervus elaphus measurements [110]
Appendix 2.C. Suid measurements [110]
Appendix 2.D. Capra sp. measurements
Appendix 2.E. Ovis aries measurements [120]
3. Non-Vertebral Fish Bones, by Judith Powell [151]
Appendix 3.A. Complete List of Identified Diagnostic Non-Vertebral Fish Bones [177]
4. Fish Vertebrae, by Dimitra Mylona [237]
Appendix 4.A. Trench C West Context Description by Level in Relation to Fish Remains [257]
Appendix 4.B. Trench C West Fish Vertebrae Recording [257]
5. Malacological Material, by Lilian Karali [267]
6. Palynological Evidence, by Chryssanthi loakim [289]
7. Charcoal Analysis, by Maria Ntinou [297]
8. Archaeobotanical Seed Remains, by Anaya Sarpaki [315]
9. Neolithic Pottery: A Characterization Study, by Konstantina Papakosta [327]
Appendix 9.A. Petrographic Description of the Fabrics [349]
10. Sequential Radiocarbon Dating and Calculation of the Marine Reservoir Effect, by Yorgos Facorellis [361]
11. Clastic Sediments, by Katie Theodorakopoulou & YannisBassiakos [373]
12. Stable Isotopic Analysis of the Mollusk Shells, by Androniki Drivaliari, loannisLiritzis & Adamantios Sampson [385]
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