Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας


Βιβλιοκρισία του: Settlement on the Mediterranean Coast. Implantations humaines en milieu littoral méditerranéen: facteurs d’installation et processus d’appropriation de l’espace

Classical Review 67.1 (2017): 283-285

Barker, G., Βιβλιοκρισία του L. R. Mercuri, R. González Villaescusa & F. Bertoncello (eds), Settlement on the Mediterranean Coast. Implantations humaines en milieu littoral méditerranéen: facteurs d’installation et processus d’appropriation de l’espace (Antibes 2014), Classical Review 67.1 (2017): 283-285.


Βιβλιοκρισία του: Mycenaean Wall Painting in Context: New Discoveries, Old Finds Reconsidered

American Journal of Archaeology 121.1 (2017)

Διαβάστε τη βιβλιοκρισία

Blakolmer, F., 2017. Βιβλιοκρισία του: H. Brecoulaki, J. L Davis & S. R Stocker, Mycenaean Wall Painting in Context: New Discoveries, Old Finds Reconsidered, Meletemata 72 (Athens 2015), American Journal of Archaeology 121.1 (2017).

Βιβλιοκρισία του: V. Kassianidou & G. Parasavvas (eds), Eastern Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC. A Conference in honor of James D. Muhly, Nicosia, 10th-11th October 2009

Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente 89 (2011)

Privitera, S., 2011. Βιβλιοκρισία του: V. Kassianidou & G. Parasavvas (eds), Eastern Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC. A Conference in honor of James D. Muhly, Nicosia, 10th-11th October 2009 (Oxford 2012), Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente 89 (2011).

Βιβλιοκρισία του: The Chalcolithic Cemetery of Souskiou-Vathyrkakas, Cyprus. Investigation of Four Missions from 1950 to 1997


Matthäus, H., 2009. Review of D. Christou, D. Bolger, P. Croft, E. Goring, A. Jackson, A. D. Lunt, C. McCartney, Z. Parras, E. Peltenburg, J. Ridout-Sharpe, A. Shortland, M. Tite & M. Watt, The Chalcolithic Cemetery of Souskiou-Vathyrkakas, Cyprus. Investigation of Four Missions from 1950 to 1997 (Cyprus 2006), Gnomon 81: 84-86.