Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας


30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Mycenaean Seminar Series. Programme 2020-2021

University of London. School of Advanced Study. Institute of Classical Studies.

Wednesdays throughout the year at 3.30 pm (UK time) unless otherwise stated.
Due to current covid-19 restrictions most of the lectures will be delivered online via Zoom.
Additional information will be provided in the emails advertising the lectures.
For those Seminars, where we aim to organize them in London, the venue is the Senate House, Malet St, London.

The first four seminars will take place online via Zoom (click here to book) Each seminar will be set up as a separate meeting on Zoom with a unique link, ID and password. It will be necessary for all attendees to register in advance by visiting the ICS events web page which lists all events in date order and clicking on the ‘Book now’ button for the Seminar you are interested in. An email will be sent to each person booking with joining details for the event on Zoom. It is not necessary to download the Zoom application or to have a Zoom account to participate in the Seminar. Clicking on the event link will bring up a prompt to open Zoom or to join by clicking on ‘start from your browser’.

The first ICS Mycenaean Seminar this season will take place online on Wednesday 14 October at 3.30 pm (UK time):

Jana Mokrisova (Cambridge/London), Crossing Borders, Re-thinking Paradigms: Aegean-Anatolian Interactions in the Late Bronze Age

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Ολόκληρο το πρόγραμμα 2020-21



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