Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2009

The Description of Helios’ herds (Od. 12, 127-136): A Mycenaean Commentary

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 117-120.

The comparison of Mycenaean economic texts with the Homeric description of the cattle permits us to see the lexical continuity in the history of the Greek language of the2nd and 1st millennium BC. The archaic forms of words and some coincidences in use with the Mycenaean documents are striking. It seems to me probable that the Homeric passage on the herds of Helios may go back to the Mycenaean age.

I due scribi della tavoletta Tn 316

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 99-115.

Sulla base di nuove fotografie realizzate al Museo Nazionale di Atene e dei disegni che ho potuto confezionare su ingrandimenti delle stesse a scala 2:1 sono in grado di avanzare una spiegazione totalmente diversa della redazione del testo di Tn 316 recto e verso. Inoltre, come potremo vedere, la revisione sistematica della tavoletta mi ha permesso di approfondire la lettura largamente incerta del rigo .3 del verso del documento.

I composti preposizionali negli archivi in lineare B

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 91-98.

Composition is one of the most important linguistic available process to create new words. Composition has been viewed in current linguistic works as the process of linking together two existing stems from the lexicon of a language to form a new one, more complex, which has the potential to enter the lexicon as a stable morphological unit. In ancient Greek, nominal composition plays an important role, which is documented by the variety of productive compositional types and by the frequency of compound words in the texts.

The Recent debate on Eteocypriote people and language

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 69-90.

First is treated the problem of the establishment of the small corpus of non-Greek inscriptions on Cyprus, followed by remarks on the syllabary variant used to write them. The linguistic interpretation of the Eteocypriote inscriptions is dealt with only as far as is necessary to assess the new proposals, and finally a hypothesis is added to the question causing the most concern, the late date of the most important group of these inscriptions.

The geographical names in the Linear B texts from Thebes

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 41-67.

The Linear B texts from Thebes contain several geographical terms. Many of these have been gathered, analysed and briefly commented upon in 2001 by V. Aravantinos, L. Godart and A. Sacconi in their editio princeps of the Pelopidou Street tablets.

The ‘Mycenaeans’ in the central Mediterranean: a comparison between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian seaways

Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 3 (2009) [2010]: 27-40.

The theme of the relationships of the peninsular Italy and adjacent islands communities with the Late Bronze Age seafarers coming from the eastern Mediterranean has been widely discussed from the beginning of the 21st c. AD. The last one is a paper by E. Blake, proposing a ‘minimalist’ view: we agree with her just as regards some points. It seems to us there is still place to discuss this theme, bearing in mind also the last archaeological findings, especially along the Adriatic side of the peninsula.

Reconstructing middle to late Holocene palaeogeographies of the lower Messenian plain (southwestern Peloponnese, Greece): Coastline migration, vegetation history and sea level change

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 284.3-4 (December 2009): 257-270.

The glacio-eustatic sea level rise after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) led to a worldwide flooding of shelf areas and the evolution of marine embayments and indentations. Its significant deceleration in mid-Holocene times resulted in the overcompensation by sediment yields and shoreline progradation in many areas.

Karst depressions as geoarchaeological archives: The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Zominthos (Central Crete), based on geophysical prospection, sedimentological investigations and GIS

Quaternary International 216.1-2 (April 2010): 75-92.

Sediment-filled karst depressions (e.g. dolines) have rarely been used as geoarchives in Greece due to an uncertainty about the thickness of accumulations and their vague suitability for palaeoenvironmental research. However, such terrestrial proxy-data sources can yield important records for the analysis of the Holocene landscape history. A multi-method approach was applied in order to evaluate the potential of colluvial fillings for reconstructing the geoarchaeological landscape in Mount Ida, Central Crete.

Variations in the 13C/12C ratios of modern wheat grain, and implications for interpreting data from Bronze Age Assiros Toumba, Greece

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.10 (October 2009): 2224-2233.

Variations in the 13C/12C ratios of wheat grain at different spatial and temporal scales are examined by analysis of modern samples, including harvests of einkorn and durum wheat from Greece, and serve as a guide to interpreting data for Bronze Age grains from Assiros Toumba.

Strangers in the grave? Investigating local provenance in a Greek Bronze Age mass burial using δ34S analysis

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.9 (September 2009): 2024-2028.

The present study employs δ34S analysis to investigate the potential of this method in the investigation of local/geographic origin for the 12 individuals buried collectively over the ruins of a Bronze Age building, under a tumulus, in Thebes, Greece, and to help in the understanding of this unique case in Greek archaeology.

Comments on Richards et al., Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 2008 “Strontium isotope evidence of Neanderthal mobility at the site of Lakonis, Greece using laser-ablation PIMMS”

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.7 (July 2009): 1334-1341.

We present an evaluation of the laser ablation Sr isotope data reported by Richards et al. [Richards, M., Harvati, K., Grimes, V., Colin Smith, C., Smith, T., Jean-Jacques Hublin, J.J., Karkanas, P., and Panagopoulou, E., 2008. Strontium isotope evidence of Neanderthal mobility at the site of Lakonis, Greece using laser ablation PIMMS. Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 1251–1256] for a Neanderthal tooth recovered from a site in Greece.

Evidence for the trade of Mesopotamian and Egyptian glass to Mycenaean Greece

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.7 (July 2009): 1496-1503.

The origins of raw glass used to fashion Mycenaean beads were explored using trace elements analyzed by laser ablation ICP-TOFMS. The use of this minimally destructive technique for the in-situ analysis of these beads was ideal given that the material is exceedingly rare and thus too sensitive to make use of traditional micro-sampling (e.g., by scalpel). A wide range of trace elements were measured to compare these Greek glasses to other Late Bronze Age glass coming from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Dendrochemical analysis of a tree-ring growth anomaly associated with the Late Bronze Age eruption of Thera

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.6 (June 2009): 1206-1214.

The most marked tree-ring growth anomaly in the Aegean dendrochronological record over the last 9000 years occurs in the mid 17th century BC, and has been speculatively correlated with the impact of the Late Bronze Age eruption of Thera (Santorini). If such a connection could be proved it would be of major interdisciplinary significance.

Integrated geological, petrologic and geochemical approach to establish source material and technology of Late Cypriot Bronze Age Plain White ware ceramics

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.5 (May 2009): 1103-1114.

Late Cypriot Bronze Age Plain White Wheelmade ware samples from several Cypriot excavation sites and the northern Canaanite coast were studied to ascertain their production centres and details of their manufacturing processes and post-depositional alteration. The investigation of the ceramics, using combined geoscientific analytical techniques (XRF, ICP-MS, XRD and EPMA) allowed four groups of pottery to be distinguished based on their common raw-material sources and/or technological analogies.

Building a tephrostratigraphic framework for the Paleolithic of Central Anatolia, Turkey

Journal of Archaeological Science 36.3 (March 2009): 637-652.

The Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP) in Turkey preserves widespread deposits of Quaternary tephra, presently associated with a small but growing number of Paleolithic archaeological sites. We use multivariate analyses of the abundances of a suite of nine major and minor element oxides determined by electron probe microanalysis.