Αιγεύς Εταιρεία Αιγαιακής Προϊστορίας

ΑΡΘΡΑ | 2010

Geology, stratigraphy, and site formation processes of the Upper Palaeolithic and later sequence in Klissoura Cave 1

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 15-36.

Klissoura Cave 1 is located in the northeastern edge of the Argive Plain, Peloponnese, at the entrance of the Berbadiotis river gorge. The cave comprises a collapsed cave chamber and a rockshelter area. The stratigraphic analysis and micromorphological study of the sediments elucidated the main processes involved in the formation of the site and its depositional history.

Klissoura cave 1, Argolid, Greece. Introduction: History of the excavations

Eurasian Prehistory 7:2 (2010): 5-14.

The excavation at Klissoura was planned in 1992, as a joint-project between the Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology of the Ministry of Culture of Greece and the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland. Our primary goal was to investigate the circumstances under which the neolithisation of NW Peloponnese came about.

Nomi Micenei in -QO-RO

Pasiphae IV (2010): 195-197.

Ènoto che -qo-ro corrisponde a –πολος dalla radice indoeuropea *q*ol- che présenta l’apofonia qualitativa di *qwel-, cfr. πέλομαι (v. DELG, s. v.). Ι composti nominali in - πολος sono molto numerosi. Il problema è stato analizzato da vari studiosi.

Il valore del segno metrico *112 = T a Tebe e a Pilo

Pasiphae IV (2010): 135-194.

La tavoletta TH Ft 140 présenta una somma da cui risulta che il sottomultiplo t del sistema / délie misure di capacità per arïdi ha il valore, rispetto all’unità di misura, di 1/12 e non di 1/10 come precedentemente definito in base a dati statistici.

Kavkania: Le mot de la fin

Pasiphae IV (2010): 117-134.

La publication de la fouille de Kavkania et de l’inscription en linéaire B qu’elle a livrée a suscité une mauvaise querelle alimentée par un pseudo-mycénologue qui eût été mieux inspiré en publiant les actes d’un colloque qu’il avait organisé en 2000 à Austin (Texas) -et qui ne verront jamais le jour- ou encore en menant à terme la publication du corpus des inscriptions en linéaire B de Pylos qu’il s’était engagé à réaliser.

Miceneo a-nu-to

Pasiphae IV (2010): 113-115.

Il lessema a-nu~to ricorre nelle seguenti tavolette: KN X 658 v., As 1516.12; TH Z 863, 864, 865, A[961]; TH Fq 132.2,198.5, 236.2, 240.9, 241.9, 244.1, 254[+]255.io, 276.9; a-nu-to-jo è invece attestato in KN X 697.2. Viene considerato unanimemente un antroponimo.

Re-Examining the Pylos Megaron Tablets

Kadmos 48 (2010): 107-123.

During the 1952 excavation season at Ano Englianos, sixteen fragmentary Linear B tablets were found in the Megaron of the Palace of Nestor. These tablets were found throughout the red mudbrick destruction layer in the Megaron, leading Blegen and Rawson to conclude that the tablets had fallen from an upper story above the Megaron.

Methodology in Mycenaean prosopography: The use of names as evidence

Kadmos 48 (2010): 93-106.

Prosopography has long played an important role in Mycenology. Because personal names account for a large proportion of the words found in the Linear B tablets, the activities of the individuals bearing those names can he studied in order to ascertain information about the members of Mycenaean society who populate the bureaucratic records.

Les allocations de laine des tablettes en Linéaire B de Thèbes

Kadmos 48 (2010): 77-92.

L’industrie textile mycénienne est connue en grande partie grâce aux tablettes en linéaire B de Cnossos et de Pylos, et une série d’études fondamentales ont permis de comprendre de façon approfondie ce secteur de l’économie palatiale. Mycènes, Tirynthe et Thèbes, en revanche, n’ont livré que peu de tablettes à ce propos et ne servent souvent que comme points de comparaison sur des sujets très spécialisés.

Ελεφάντινα κτένια από τη μυκηναϊκή συλλογή του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου

Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς 149 (2010): 145-208.

Η λευκότητα και η απαλή υφή του ελεφαντόδοντου αλλά και η δυσκολία ανεύρεσης του τύπου το καθιστά πολύτιμο, πρέπει να ήταν οι παράγοντες που οδήγησαν από νωρίς στη χρήση του για την κατασκευή πολυτελών αντικειμένων από τους τεχνίτες του Αιγαίου.

Aspects of cult in early Thermos

Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς 149 (2010): 1-60

In the heart of Aetolia, a wide mountain plain stretches out at the northeast of Lake Trichonis. At its eastern edge, on the verge of the Megalakkos height lies the site of Thermos. Thermos is known in history as a religious and political centre of the Aetolian League, an outcome of processes going back centuries.